Adding that final round after the end game conditions are met really slows down the pace of play for a series of turns of point counting, min/max analysis, and little fun. Yokohama may be his most ambitious game to date. I swore off kickstarter 3+ years ago and this is the first project in that time that’s come to my attention that has me intrigued enough to break my oath. #16 of 143 Fun & Games in Yokohama "... but a really fantastic experience we got to hold them feed then and also saw meerkats up close and interact..." "The hedgehogs are surprisingly cute and fun to hold." The instructions were really easy to follow and its super easy to play. In YOKOHAMA , each player is a merchant in the Meiji period, trying to gain fame from a successful business, and to do so they need to build a store, broaden their sales channels, learn a variety of techniques, and (of course) respond to trade orders from abroad. In the shadow of this development was the presence of many Yokohama merchants. There are a myriad of options to consider in this game and that could potentially slow the game a bit too much for me with too many new players. You can earn points from fulfilling contracts, completing achievements (there are 3 random achievements selected each game), visiting the church, using the customs office, and end game points for having majorities in church, customs and tech. High replayability, lots of fun! You may choose instead to pick up your president from the board in order to place it next time.Then you may perform the action associated with the area and activate it. You cannot stop in the same area as an opponent’s president. You play merchants trying to gain contracts with foreign ministers and obtain import goods.
I enjoyed my second play more, while a few things bothered me a bit more too. The end game should really not be a surprise to anyone.
This is a really fun game! All components intact but box came horribly damaged. This isn’t enough to keep me from enjoying the game – but might be enough to keep it from being an all-time favorite. Point-salady games are often not my favorites, but I agree that the various ways to score are well-integrated so it doesn’t much like a point salad. Yokohama is the latest game from Hisashi Hayashi of Okazu Brand. The mechanisms are not new but the way the game meshes keeps the mechanisms fresh.
Although a bit overwhelming at first glance, the game has a simple mechanic and is easily learned after a few rounds. It works fine with four players as long as no one is particularly AP-prone.My only issue with the game is the tiny print used for the English on the technology cards; while the original edition is certainly playable, I would advise English speakers without excellent eyesight to get the now-Kickstartering TMG edition which will have more room for English since they are not including the Japanese.
Amazing board game. Each area will have a random building site card on which to build shops and trade houses. Once just a sleepy fishing village, the opening of foreign trade in Yokoha- ma and the decline of Edo led …
Fantastic board game that balances complexity, a race to the finish, and resource management. (YMMV on this point but I prefer snappy play) That said, mostly what I enjoy are the options in this game. I also like having to balance actions for points with actions for moving assistants and buildings from your warehouse to your hand. Yokohama may be his most ambitious game to date. The power is the sum of the president and any assistants and any buildings in the area. He is one of the most diverse designers out there currently and I’m always interested in his latest games.
Money, left over goods and unused foreign ministers also earn points. Review of Yokohama Stadium Reviewed October 31, 2015 via mobile Have been to yokohama stadium to watch the Baystars a few times recently, best to get your tickets in advance (possible at 7-11), would recommend to stay out of the fan zone unless you know the cheers, and don't mind everyone standing for half the game, view not as good either. Each area of the board provides different actions resulting in acquisition of different things such as resources, money, contracts, technology and points. Its beautifully designed and the modular components mean you can rearrange the board (i.e. The modular board can really change the feel of the game as the location of different areas may affect your strategy.
To activate an area a player moves their president to an area with their assistants.On your turn you may play 1 assistant in 3 different areas or 2 assistants in one area from your hand. Of course there is a race aspect to meeting achievements or finding a place on the church or customs board. I’ve played 4 times already with 2 and 3 players. Great game, lots of replayability. So far Yokohama is my favorite game this year. The game emulates the development of international trade in Yokohama during the Meiji era. One of my favorite games ever.