You are decently tanky with d10 hit die (I used half hit die+1+con mod for HP here). I'll edit once I'm done.Edit: Ok here we go. Shillelagh is a druid spell only. I also think Healing word might be something to think about. +6 to attack rolls-Quarterstaff 2: 1d8+3+1d8(Colossus Slayer)+1d6(Hunters Mark)Stats: 2 feats are taken, one at level 1 with Human Variant, the other at level 4. The increase to a 1d8 put it on par with the versatile property for quarterstaff to begin with, ... Wizard: Find familiar is a fantastic spell for magic initiate, and I'd imagine it to be one of the most common choices. Overall though I think it is a cool idea. The feat says your spellcasting ability for that spell is wisdom. Horde Breaker is nice, but I think most DMs are not going to throw more then 3-5 enemies at you. From there, I would pump stat boosts into Con and Wis, as more dex does not help with armor.3 of Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival Saving Throws-Str Dex-Thorn Whip (damage and utility, nice for pulling large or smaller enemies to you)Polearm Master-Extra attack using bonus action (sometimes usable, sometimes not), reaction attack if something enters your reach.Spell Casting-Spells can be picked for whatever utility purpose is needed. Specific trumps general. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. A paladin with a CHA modifier picks up Shillelagh via Magic Initiate - what modifier is applied? I've had a lot of interest in a non Druid Shillelagh build. Also it sets the damage dice to a D8, and clubs are light weapons. It's Wisdom. Level 6 because that's my current campaign level. Shillelagh references your spellcasting ability, which for that spell, because of the feat, is Wisdom. I'll be formatting it. But a lot of it isn't as great. While choice is an extremely powerful thing in 5e, the player must choose the maneuvers at the time the feat is taken, and cannot change later. With our good Consitution, maintaining Hunters Mark should be fairly easy.-Colossus Slayer is the better choice IMO. On a good round, you can hit something 4 times. I think if you take a ranged cantrip like produce flame or thorn whip you will have a cool alternate way to attack too. So you could potentially dual wield shillelaghs (doesn't require concentration). Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. It is as good as just taking the dual wielder feat.You can't imbue more than one weapon, and only melee weapons are permitted. In addition, choose one 1st-level spell from that same list. Shillelagh via Magic Initiate ... Homebrew has extended the longevity of 5e for many of my players. So the 3rd option becomes: med armor, moderate dex, high wisdom, dump strength Interestingly, if a level 3 warlock takes pact of the tome, I believe it would be charisma, since it is still being cast as a warlock.Since the only reason the Paladin has this spell is via Magic Initiate and it's a Druid spell, Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.Since the spell states you can use your spellcasting ability instead of strength, it's pretty straight forward to me.When the Paladin casts this spell, they can either add their Strength Modifier or their Wisdom Modifier.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.Press J to jump to the feed. Also your ranger will be able to carry less stuff around, but that's not as important.Having athletics as a proficiency will make up for tanked strength, somewhat; he won't be a good grappler but will be able to keep up with climbing and swimming in most cases.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.Press J to jump to the feed. So the 3rd option becomes:med armor, moderate dex, high wisdom, dump strengthUses one feat which can be used for something else. Choose a hill dwarf and you can dump both str and dex.Going to take a few minutes to pull this together right now. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8. Then again, only casting Shillelagh is the spell, whereas the effect might count for the actual use of the weapon?The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature’s power. Got the idea though of a (human variant) ranger taking Magic Initiate feat at 1st level to get Shillelagh from the druid spell list. I really like what I see here. The spell is specifically from the feat, so the specific change to spellcasting ability from the feat applies to the spell.This is correct.