It's pretty stressful actually.Did you know that carrageenan is actually a seaweed extract? Unlike all of the other comments, you offered no personal notes about your personal experiences, except that "The vegetables have always been fresh". A lot of people don't realize that store brands really are regular brands with store labels. Produce is like anywhere, u gotta inspect it.At my local Aldi, the products, prices and staff are the best (for me). That very afternoon I made a special 20-mile round trip to its store but informed none were on the truck. I've been shopping at Aldi for our weekly groceries for over half a year. Each time I would buy fruit, I would put it in the refrigerator, even my poor bananas. I threw those away, and am wishing I had thrown everything else with themTwice now I've gotten sick after eating a dish made with this chicken.I'm a manager at an Aldi store and yes, you are correct.I love Aldi's but there are some products to avoid. we save nearly 33% off of any other grocery/mega store on our groceries... and we do 95% of our food shopping there. Frozen fish, hambugers, sausage even. I did everything trying to get rid of them. We have shopped there since they opened a couple of months ago and have always had the same results.I've never had any issues with meat or produce from there. My husband and I once filled our cart and made it through checking in a timed 10 minutes as they were nearing closing time. I avoid already prepared food e.g frozen lasagna.I found this article to be interesting but not that helpful. Get products you love delivered on the same day by Instacart. between Aldi's and any other grocery store.

I was grateful for the difference in meat-especially chicken thighs. I thought aldi would be more transparent and the ingriedents more streamlined. I believe that the store re-stocks that produce especially for the sales so I've never had any trouble with fast spoilage on those. After reading, search companies that use GMO, you may change your mindAvocados....they've always been hard and never ripen quite properly. I don't go to Aldi much - it is just me , I'm a vegetarian and the stores here are not very convenient. Posted by JRFrugalMom and Family at 5:04 PM.

Some items work out to be more exspensive at aldi because even though you think your getting a good deal it turns out that the packaging may look the same size as branded products but the weight of the contents is less. Depending on the time of week you shop, the food — like at any store — may have been freshly delivered or sitting there for days. Checking out is amazing, regardless of how many people are in line.I'm a regular Aldi shopper and love almost everything there. Fine. Alas, a couple of weeks ago after buying fruit fly traps, I got rid of the flies. Per 4 oz - Calories: 160kcal | Fat: 9.00g | Carbs: 0.00g | Protein: 21.00g Overall, I've really come to appreciate this store even more now that I work there. These are not Aldi's issues.Sargeanto doesn't have corn starch or fillers. Get real.Yes, outside of your world, things are this bad in most areas. I check everything before I buy. I tired to give Aldi another chance on the potatoes but from my experience, you're lucky if your potato sac makes it past the 2nd day in your home without rotting, or worse, being full of maggots! I've purchased meat in Publix that had to be returned because underneath the top layer it was bad. I've tried Aldi's cheddar bar and liked them. But their coffee sucks, and something else sucks but can't think of it right now. If you have student loans you are in for a rude awakening once you get out on your own, unless somebody is handing you some cash here and there.I have to add that although you buy meat else where keep in mind that Aldi does everything to ensure the animals are treated hi mainly unlike other stores.Recently however, I bought the 12.75kg bag of wild bird seed mix. Not a poisonous carcinogens. .. with no marinating they are amazing!! Their cheese is great but everything else is hit and miss. I've found the produce varies by region, etc.

Generally speaking it's usually either straight cellulose, potato starch or a cellulose/potato starch blend. Together, they control the entire grocery shopping empire that covers the entire of Europe! I had to remove all the skin because of the terrible pluck-job. Some stores bring in all of their "R" produce every night. Per 1/4 cup - Calories: 90kcal | Fat: 1.50g | Carbs: 3.10g | Protein: 15.20g Not enough raisins and the bran flakes taste like cardboard.aldis black bean is color dyed, it is brown color bean after soaking or light cook.....We we so disappointed with their Big Texas Cheese Danish, because we found the there are a couple of the individually wrapped Danish had little or NONE of the delicious cheese "filling"!!