Mr. Swapnil Mayekar So you can say that there is a higher chance that Fund A will continue giving similar returns in future also whereas Fund B returns may vary.Beta value gives idea about how volatile fund performance has been compared to similar funds in the market.

Fund Family Investor news Global ETF Survey 2020 Login Sign up. This table shows list of stock/bond investments.

Expense Ratio (Direct) 1 Year 112.88 So if you are comparing 2 funds (lets say Fund A and Fund B) in the same category. No However if right most red scale is selected, then there is high risk of negative returns on your investment.VIP or Value averaging investment plan works on a principal that, you should invest more when markets are going down and should invest less when markets are at the peak. NAV is declared once each day generally at the end of the day. For example, if fund A and fund B both have 3-year returns of 15%, and fund A has a Sharpe ratio of 1.40 and fund B has a Sharpe ratio of 1.25, you can chooses fund A, as it has given higher risk-adjusted return.Treynor's ratio indicates how much excess return was generated for each unit of risk taken. Higher the value means, fund has been able to give better returns for the amount of risk taken. Standard Deviation value gives an idea about how volatile fund returns has been in the past 3 years. Lower expense ratio leads to higher returns for investors.Regular and Direct options of the funds are exactly same except commission to your mutual fund broker/distributor. generally to the performance of the NASDAQ100 Index, subject to tracking error. QUANTITY column value displays how many shares owned by particular fund. Fund Manager Name Explore Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 ETF for fund performance, SIP, fund details and expense ratio related information. Invest now! This fund tracks.

Let's say if a fund A benchmarks its returns with Nifty50 returns then alpha equal to 1.0 indicates the fund has beaten the nifty returns by 1%, so the higher the alpha, the better.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message.You will now receive notification when someone reply to this message. Scheme Type As an investor you do not need to pay any additional fees to purchase any of these options.

Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 ETF - INR ETF (N100, 533385) fact sheet: charts, performance, flows, ESG fund metrics, rating, AuM, tracking error, tracking difference, expense ratio. This difference is because of commission paid to broker/distributor. Now if you want to change your investment amount by 10% for every 5% change in NAV then on all subsequent instalment dates, you need to check NAV and compare the same with first NAV (ie ₹100 in our example) and based on difference, you need to adjust amount. Benchmark Inception/Allotment Date So these funds are expected give similar returns as per index.This number shows latest NAV (Net Asset Value) and change in the NAV from previous day. However both have different expense ratios. Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 ETF (MOFN100) (Erstwhile Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares NASDAQ-100 ETF (MOSt Shares NASDAQ 100)) Fund House: Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund. 0.00 Request for an early action please.Why such a poor performance by Sundaram MF?

Expense Ratio (Regular) Now for the growth option, today's mutual fund price (NAV) will be 120, so all profit/loss reflects in price of the fund.