She stops by Quentin’s crib to ask him to give her a ride to Truth so she can surprise James with the divorce papers and get him to sign it. When Kanan had Shawn in his car with drugs, Ghost took one of the tail lights out of his car so that he can be pulled over. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Power of One and what it means. In return, Dre wants a meeting with Ghost, Riq convinces Dre to provide him with a piece, and now we know why Riq wants it, to frame Dre with it.From there, we see what Tasha is up to, and we are taken back to the meeting between herself and James at Raina’s gravesite.Tasha tries to warn James that his political ambitions could implicate them all, but he shuts her down by telling his ex-wife he has passed his background check. James “Ghost” St. Patrick is ready for a clean slate with his wife Tasha (In the clip, Ghost looks like his old self again and is back home in his penthouse apartment with his wife, Tasha. Knowing she is screwed, Tasha has no choice but to surrender while Riq screams for his mother to tell Blanca who killed his father. Ghost yolks that ass up and warns his son to stay out of his way, or he could possibly end up like his best friend Breeze.Riq runs home to report the news to Tasha and details the look in his dad’s eyes and how he got the impression that he is willing to kill him. They tested his loyalty and Jukebox has him arrested and tried to force him to give up Kanan but he stays silent, which meant he passed. Tasha manages to convince Stern into repurchasing Truth, but the only way deal can go through is if Riq graduates, so she also wants Simon to pull some strings and get him into college, and he agrees. Kanan goes to Tommy, who asks how to handle a mobster being released. Kanan texts Dre twice a few weeks after Tariq's kidnapping to talk business but Dre doesn't respond to Kanan's two text messages. He has been a hustler for years and had once taken both Kanan first appears when his son Shawn comes to visit him in prison and the two catch up on everything that's been going on. Kanan then tells his men who to look out for and is soon told about Raina's death. Before Riq pulls the trigger delivering the fatal gunshot wound to his father, Tasha shows up at the precise moment as the bullet enters James’ chest. As you remember in Tommy’s fantastic episode, he confronted her about Keisha’s death after he discovered Tasha’s earring in a bag of his late boo’s belongings Blanca gave to him.
I’m you, dad,” Tariq says.He adds, “You’re in the way of my future.” Ghost tells him that once he does this, he can never go back. He approaches the police car with Tariq in it, locking eyes with him before killing the last surviiving officer. Kanan says he’ll see Tariq around, grabs the cash, and leaves. He believes it’s time for Ghost to pay for everything he’s done. But he drops the extra nugget that police found Riq’s DNA at the scene of Raymond Jones murder and that James is the one feeding them information to ensure his road to Albany is clear of any potential issues.After she has a flashback of the good times that were once experienced in the posh apartment, Ghost shows up to claim his stuff. While Ghost and Dre are having their moment, Riq uses this opportunity to stash the gun he acquired from Dre for later use.Riq finally makes it to school, is anyone else confused why no one questioned why he wasn’t there in the first place? He’s willing to let his father die. He was set up by Ghost and Tasha to go to prison for ten years. Once Q deposits his daughter in her room, he and Tasha engage in a “conversation.” Tasha is riding high because she believes that Ghost is about to be locked up *Cardi B voice* forever. They are now on two different paths.Tasha is now facing the same fate she bestowed upon Kanan while her son is on the outside now tasked with keeping the St.Patrick’s legacy going.

Kanan tells his gang they're working with Tommy/Ghost but doesn't mind, since he just has to make himself look good enough to work for Jimmy. Dre also promises to pay Kanan with the money he gets from running the club since Ghost was incarcerated and left him in charge. Naturally, she’s freaking out at what Tariq has done. Tasha shows up at his crib while he is putting his child to sleep. Tasha instructs Q to drive around the corner from the nightclub and wait for her there. Tasha urges her son to leave, telling him she will take care of everything while Tommy, who was too late, tends to his fallen brother as he bleeds out. Riq links up with the desperate d-boy to give him his money and asks Dre for a gun. POWER will soon be brought back to life in the shape of four brand new spin-off series.