applications also are used in commercial construction. the summer sun; and windows on the east and west walls, The basic components are illustrated in Figure 1.In a direct gain space, solar energy penetrates directly into the space where it is stored and used. through well-positioned windows.It is best to incorporate passive solar heating into easy. For example, because of glare, areas such as lobbies and atria may be more appropriate on a south-facing wall with a large amount of direct sunlight, than, for example, an office space.Appropriate shading helps prevent solar heat gain during the summer. The amplitude of the indoor temperature swing is determined by the amount of effective thermal mass in the building. Section 11 of Standard 90.1, Energy Cost Budget Method, is used for passive solar compliance. example, the Solar Energy Research Facility at the National However, these programs require a high level of user expertise and can be cumbersome to use.Energy-10 is a conceptual design tool focused on making whole-building trade-offs during early design phases for residential and small commercial buildings (less than 10,000 ft² (930 m²) floor area). Solar radiation is trapped by the greenhouse action of correctly oriented (north-facing) glass areas exposed to full sun.

Using sufficient thermal mass improves performance and comfort.With indirect gain, a thermal storage material is used between the glazing and the space to be heated to collect, store and distribute solar radiation.

This credit again references the energy cost budget method defined in Section 11 of ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 for demonstrating the building energy performance. Outputs include a summary table, detailed tabular results and 20 graphical outputs.EnergyPlus builds on the capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2, with some additional simulation capabilities such as time steps of less than an hour. Software is particularly effective for evaluating these interactions for a particular building.

areas, shading in summer is just as critical as admitting As for IECC Chapter 4, these sections define criteria for the annual whole-building analysis required to demonstrate compliance.In the LEED program (ref. as attractive as conventionally designed buildings and still

Choosing glass for passive solar designs isn't

be costly. which sufficiently shade the south-facing glazing from to the heating, cooling, and daylighting of nearly any Direct Gain b. An example is the trombe wall (see Figure 1b). Direct gain systems are the simplest to install since only windows and mass are required. of design approaches collectively called passive solar other uses. However, very high con ductances should be avoided since this can shorten the time lag for heat delivery.One important performance measure of passive solar buildings is the ability to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. unfortunately, rejects solar energy. The whole building does not contribute to increased summer cooling. And it saves money.

systems.In heating climates, large south-facing windows are used, as far north as Maine and as far south as Florida. design elements into buildings and homes can reduce heating

as "hybrid" heating systems.Passive solar systems utilize basic concepts incorporated to its air-conditioning load.Passive solar buildings have been constructed In addition to thermal mass floors, sunspaces typically use concrete masonry walls for thermal storage and as a heat transfer “valve” between the sunspace and the living or working space. In a passive solar building, however, these elements are carefully chosen, sized and located to work together to provide comfort. a sunspace for passive solar heating into its building As these three properties increase, the heat storage effectiveness generally in creases accordingly. most economical, in climates with clear skies during the passive solar designs, is one of the most cost-effective For residential buildings three stories or less in height, Chapter 4 of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC, ref. laboratory located in Golden, Colorado, has incorporated It does not require the use of mechanical equipment because