But if we experience this then we can be reasonably sure that our relationship is one based on kindness, kinship and, above all, love.Spiritualunite.com is one of the leading metaphysical websites on the internet today. A field sprite may be found in meadows and fields. But the green orb, if it represents a spirit, is very likely to represent a human soul. In sporadic cases, this is plainly obvious – as the orb appears with vibrant colour.Many orbs are said to represent beings on the spiritual plane – or spirits, as we might call them.However, most of these spirits will not have lived a human life, instead originating elsewhere in the universe.But the green orb, if it represents a spirit, is very likely to represent a human soul.This could be a deceased loved one if the place in which the orb was seen is a place of significance for that passed spirit.However, it could just as easily be a stranger – the soul of a human whom we have never met.In any case, if it is a human spirit it is not a malevolent one. The fourth chakra is the heart, and it is symbolized by the color green. Seeing a green ghost orb may be a reminder that you have to escape the city and live a more natural life.
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The color green is also a spiritual symbol for the heart. Both had explored the metaphysical, spiritual, healing, and esoteric worlds extensively before they met and were ready for their Twin Flame union. They are happy and visiting this world with the intent of love and happiness. Green orb meaning. A person who is connected in spirit to the natural world may be visited by spirits in the form of Some people believe that green orbs are nature sprites transforming into a visible form of energy so their presence is known. Otherwise, it might be a signal for us to slow down and appreciate this area a little more.Or, if we did not see the green orb until later on, perhaps that we should revisit that location.This location would be a prime spot for meditation and contemplation on our unity with nature on this planet.We sometimes forget that we are a part of nature – our modern world often separates us from the feeling of oneness with the wild that we are all born with.One heartwarming type of encounter there are reports of is the experience of seeing a green orb when with a loved one.Green is often associated with love and the heart, and some people have reported seeing a green orb hanging between them and a loved one – usually a life partner of some description.This is, by all accounts, incredibly rare. Their shared dream of providing others with spiritual knowledge and the ability to unite soul groups has made their website the hub of activity and authority it is today. To figure out what the spirit is trying to say, sit in meditation near the location where you saw the orb. The green orbs meaning is often an expression of nature and our connection to nature. Some theories purport that the spirit orb is pure and chose to never incarnate. If the spirit wants to tell you its message, it will do so within the quiet of your heart or give you a sign. All Rights Reserved. If we wish to speak with the spirit, we could engage in meditation and see if it reaches out to us.Of course, it might not – who knows? Unlike other orbs, which may represent a spirit that never touched this world in the first place, a green orb was likely an actual human at one point. Green orbs are believed to be spirits tied to nature, such as nature sprites or nymphs. Green is also the color of nature. It is a widespread phenomenon to see orbs in photographs, one that has been reported a considerable number of times from all over the globe since the advent of photography.These orbs are usually clear or white and are sometimes mistaken for simple lens flare or smudges on the lens.But in many cases, the origin of the orb in the photograph cannot be attributed to something so simple. Green orbs represent a spirit a who is one with nature and love. In fact, almost every site I visited that discussed the meaning of orb colors agreed that green was a positive color to see in an orb and red or black was more representational of negative and hostile energy. If you see the ghost orb in a city, it may be the spirit world reminding you that there is a more earthy, natural world out there. There are many possible green orb meanings. Since angels travel to the earthly dimension through light rays, they sometimes use orbs as vehicles for their energy to travel within. Interpretation of the colors varies according to different beliefs. Yellow Orbs This connection to a specific area anchors them to the land and is where they work their magic. Some theories also include angels and various spirit guides. Consider meditation to understand the full meaning of these nature spirit messages.Please help us improve. Energy Colors and What They Mean. Why wasn't this page useful?© 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. Spiritual Meaning of Green. Some theories purport that the Not all green orbs are the same color of green.