Here are the top 9 most effective quads stretches to help you reduce muscle pain after that gruelling workout.

This may also help reduce discomfort, like low back pain and tight hips. You can try these stretches in the office, at home, or at the gym. Just stand up and sit down -- no hands. It’s also important to stretch your glutes after you work out. The name’s the same but sitting in your desk chair with underdeveloped hamstrings is light years away from the benefits of performing the yogic Chair pose on a regular basis. Office-chairs have a bad rep, with many health authorities pointing out that sitting down for the majority of the work day increases our risk of … Downward-facing dog is a traditional yoga pose. This is especially helpful if you: Here’s an example of a great glute stretch that you can do while you’re at your desk or on a plane.
"People who sit at their computers for hours every day -- they're in for serious medical problems," says Sharon Hame, MD, associate clinical professor at UCLA's department of orthopaedic surgery. Strong knees are important for athletes and non-athletes alike. Another exercise to do at your desk is the Foot Drill. Try these stretching exercises at your desk -- or anywhere else -- to ease back pain and boost energy. Your glutes work hard to keep you moving. You can also challenge yourself by adding a quad stretch. While stretching cannot completely relieve you from muscle pain, quad stretches may temporarily help ease the pressure. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For extra wrist support, you can place each hand on a yoga block.Bend your knees if you need to. They make up the largest muscle group in your body. "We're seeing more things than carpal tunnel; those pains go up the arm to the elbow and In addition to carpal tunnel and other traditional ergonomic issues, new problems are cropping up, Hame says. 12 Desk Stretches Video. This may help straighten your back, ensuring your body stays in an upside-down V shape. Remember how football players tap their feet in place while at practice? It stretches many muscles, including your upper body, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. You can also stretch your glutes if they feel tight during prolonged periods of sitting, like when you binge-watch your favorite show, or are stuck at your desk for hours.

Here are seven stretches that can help relieve tension in your glutes, as well as surrounding areas like your back, legs, hips, and pelvis. This may help get the blood flowing to these muscles and prepare them for movement and activity. Plus, by releasing tightness, glute stretches may help:Glute stretches can be done as part of your warmup before you exercise. 3) Shoulder … Continued The 12 Best Stretching Exercises at Your Desk. Even if you have to sit for most of the day, it helps to take breaks to stand and walk around. Also called the seated pigeon, the seated figure-four stretch helps to loosen up your glutes and surrounding muscles. The double-headed psoas muscle is a northern neighbor of your quads, extending from your upper thigh to your lower back. WebMD consulted orthopaedic surgeons and Instead of a lunch meeting at your desk, walk together to a neighborhood sandwich shopAngela Smith, MD, orthopaedic surgeon, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; former president, American College of Sports Medicine. Sharon Hame, MD, associate clinical professor, UCLA department of orthopaedic surgery.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. To do this stretch: Start in a pushup position, hands shoulder-width apart and legs together. This simple stretch helps relieve tightness in your glutes, hips, and back.
Strengthening these muscles is a critical part of … They help you do many everyday tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or even just standing up from a chair. That’s why if your glutes are tight, you might feel tension not only in your buttocks, but also in your back, hips, and surrounding areas. All rights reserved.