But, there are some things no matter how much the world becomes modern do not change and are compulsory for the house such as having a septic tank. Thus, the texts advise to make a ‘Making a septic tank here is also advisable. I’m glad you found the information useful. Problems with incorrect placement, best and worst locations for septic tanks

The septic tank is said to be prone to negativity and evil things.

It is an area in the house that consists of wastages thus holds a lot of negativity which can cause harm to the place. Placing the septic tank according to the guidelines stated in Vastu Shastra cut back the negativity and does not allow any evil thing to enter into the house. However, failing to correctly place the septic tank can prove to a disaster one would certainly want to avoid.Thus, do remember to follow the above guideline while making the septic tank as per Vastu.I truly believe in the miraculous powers of the nature.

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Septic tanks should not be in the south-east, north-east or south-west corner under any condition. Best is to build it at the ground floor. Never make a septic tank in North, East or North East. Once the side is divided, then place the septic tank in the third part of the North-west direction. • Correct Location for the Tank: The correct location according to the rules of Vastu Shastra comes by dividing the north area into nine equal parts. A septic tank is an area in the house where all the waste material of the house, from kitchen wastes to human wastages is collected and flushed out altogether. There are chances that the negativity stored in the tank is prolonged for a long period which can be hazardous for the house. The solids settle at the bottom and the water goes into the ground.Due to the presence of anaerobic bacteria in waste water, the solids are reduced to sludge and gases.A faulty septic tank placement can do a lot of damage both to the environment as well as distort the energies of the plot on which it is wrongly constructed.An incorrect construction will cause the destruction of ground water resources and create an imbalance of the ecosystem under the ground. Doing so will help the residents to The release of negative emotions from the system relaxes both the mind and the heart.

Avoid making a septic tank in front of the main entrance. A person has to plan according to the budget and the latest styles that are in trend. Where will you throw the wastage now and then? The outlet of such tanks must be in the west or north. Vastu jothidam tamil 7,245 views 2:22 Do keep reading and sharing. Level of Spetic Tank It should always be constructed to the ground level and must not touch the main wall of house i.e.

Size of Septic Tank Vastu Shastra suggests to make length of septic tank on East-West side while breadth on South-North.

It collects the wastages and keeps on flushing them time to time to keep the working smooth. Are you going to collect that wastage? The entire universe is there to take care of all our needs and help us live a healthy and prosperous life. And thereafter, the physical body follows and becomes disease free.Placing the septic tank can be a tricky task as there are not many options available in terms of zones. Never construct the tank higher than the level of the house. The Drainage Make sure the drainage pipes in toilet and bathroom have their passage in the West or North-west. Avoid constructing a bedroom as per Vastu directly above a septic tank, even if they are on the higher floors. Overhead water tank vastu in tamil/மேல்நிலை நீர் தொட்டி வாஸ்து - Duration: 2:22. This could be extremely harmful for health of the residents. I am a firm believer in the fact that there is something more than meets the eye. In the olden times, there was’nt much thought given to the Thus, septic tanks these days are inevitable and so is the need for proper sA septic tank requires a pit to be dug underground. Some more powers of the nature, that lie hidden and come forth when no scientific theories can prove their existence. Every day there are many different types of works are going on in the house which results in wastages. Septic Tank Vastu Shasta Tips: 9 Important Do’s & Don’ts. Thus, their correct placement is also very similar to the toilets.The East of South East is a good place to position the septic tank. This, Since there is waste water underground in the septic tanks, it As mentioned above, an incorrectly placed septic tank can distort the energies of the house and bring about, diseases, losses and tensions.A septic tank’s activity is very similar to that of a toilet or commode – to flus out the waste matter. Here are some of the tips given in Vastu Shastra for the septic tank, have a look and bid adieu to negativity from the house: 1. Even many people, who are ardent believers of Vastu Shastra, construct their septic tank according to the guidelines stated.