Genesis 1:2 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Genesis 1:2, NIV: "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Deep-seated, not deep-seeded, is the correct term. The outer or the topmost boundary of an object. Surface structure definition, a structural representation of the final syntactic form of a sentence, as it exists after the transformational component has modified a deep structure. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. See more. The "surface" appeal of the deep structure concept soon led people from unrelated fields (architecture, music, politics) to use the term to express various concepts in their own work. ... exterior, skin-deep Doctors believed it was just a surface wound. "Face of the deep" is the top surface. Define surface. The area of an outer part or uppermost layer of something.The outward appearance of someone or something, especially as distinct from less obvious aspects., to the casual eye, outwardly, to all appearances, apparently, ostensibly, superficially, externally, visiblyA continuous set of points that has length and breadth but no thickness., external, exterior, outward, seeming, ostensible, apparent, cosmetic, skin deepDenoting ships which travel on the surface of the water as distinct from submarines.Carried by or denoting transportation by sea or overland rather than by air.Rise or come up to the surface of the water or the ground., arise, appear, come to light, come up, come into sight, come into view, come out, crop up, materialize, become visible, spring up, loomProvide (something, especially a road) with a particular surface.These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? the face of the deep. To all intents and purposes; to all outward appearances: These experiences were very memorable and valuable to me -- anchored in forty feet of water, and twenty or thirty rods from the shore, surrounded sometimes by thousands of small perch and shiners, dimpling the Like the rest of our waters, when much agitated, in clear weather, so that the They were ever chatting, discussing, and calculating the various chances of a meeting, watching narrowly the vast What would an aeronaut, borne to this distance from the earth, distinguish on its From the fact of the reef-building corals not living at great depths, it is absolutely certain that throughout these vast areas, wherever there is now an atoll, a foundation must have originally existed within a depth of from 20 to 30 fathoms from the I often wondered how it had happened that I had ever survived the first ten years of my life within the inner world, when, naked and primitively armed, I had traversed great areas of her beast-ridden Having deposited their loads upon the broken part, they dived into the water, and shortly reappeared at the The highest summit of all towers to a height of 22,606 feet above the Every one knows that by the peculiar cunning of their gills, the finny tribes in general breathe the air which at all times is combined with the element in which they swim, hence, a herring or a cod might live a century, and never once raise its head above the But the moon has no seas, so far as we can ascertain; its Our seats, into which we strapped ourselves, were so arranged upon transverse bars that we would be upright whether the craft were ploughing her way downward into the bowels of the earth, or running horizontally along some great seam of coal, or rising vertically toward the "a flamboyant, powerful confidence man who lives entirely on the surface of experience"surface a table with walnut; surface a road with asphalt.the first news report that surfaced the allegations.a soldier who, on the surface, appeared brave and patriotic.A much wider controversy was bubbling under the surface.On the surface the elections appear to be democratic.this book only scratches the surface of philosophical thoughtTwo-thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water; On the surface he seems cold and unfriendly, but he's really a kind person.The road has been damaged by frost and will have to be surfaced again.
upon the face of the waters Synonyms for skin-deep at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Although Larson and Yao (2005) argue that deep acting is preferred, physicians may rely on surface acting when sincere empathy for patients is impossible. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage The man flies airplanes.”
This is Hebrew poetry to say the same thing again a different way and it called a parallel pattern: And the earth. It is from that meaning the figurative use of the word developed. n. 1. a. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. See more.