Member States need to The EU created the Youth Guarantee in 2013 and has since built bridges to the labour market for more than EU action will help boost apprenticeship offers, for example by incentivising support to SMEs and mobilising local and regional authorities. Sustiprinta Jaunimo garantijų iniciatyva“ kuria pakeičiama 2013 m. balandžio 22 d. Tarybos rekomendacija dėl Jaunimo garantijų iniciatyvos nustatymo)(Javaslat A TANÁCS AJÁNLÁSA Út a munka világába – Az ifjúsági garancia megerősítéséről és az ifjúsági garancia létrehozásáról szóló, 2013. április 22-i tanácsi ajánlás hatályon kívül helyezéséről)(Proposta għal RAKKOMANDAZZJONI TAL-KUNSILL dwar Pont għall-Impjiegi - Tissaħħaħ il-Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ u li tissostitwixxi r-Rakkomandazzjoni tal-Kunsill tat-22 ta’ April 2013 dwar it-twaqqif ta’ Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ)(Voorstel voor een AANBEVELING VAN DE RAAD inzake Een brug naar banen – versterking van de jongerengarantie en tot vervanging van de Aanbeveling van de Raad van 22 april 2013 tot invoering van een jongerengarantie)(Wniosek ZALECENIE RADY dotyczące „Pomostu do zatrudnienia – wzmocnienia gwarancji dla młodzieży” i zastępujące zalecenie Rady z dnia 22 kwietnia 2013 r. w sprawie ustanowienia gwarancji dla młodzieży)(Proposta de RECOMENDAÇÃO DO CONSELHO relativa a Uma ponte para o emprego - Reforçar a Garantia para a Juventude e que substitui a Recomendação do Conselho, de 22 de abril de 2013, relativa ao estabelecimento de uma Garantia para a Juventude)(Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on a Bridge to Jobs - reinforcing the Youth Guarantee)(Návrh ODPORÚČANIE RADY, týkajúce sa mostu k pracovným miestam – posilnenia záruky pre mladých ľudí, ktorým sa nahrádza odporúčanie Rady z 22. apríla 2013 o zavedení záruky pre mladých ľudí)(Predlog PRIPOROČILO SVETA „Most do delovnih mest – okrepitev jamstva za mlade“, ki nadomešča Priporočilo Sveta z dne 22. aprila 2013 o vzpostavitvi jamstva za mladino)(Ehdotus NEUVOSTON SUOSITUS ”Silta työelämään – entistä vahvempi nuorisotakuu” ja nuorisotakuun perustamisesta 22 päivänä huhtikuuta 2013 annetun neuvoston suosituksen korvaamisesta)(Förslag till RÅDETS REKOMMENDATION om en väg till jobb – en förstärkt ungdomsgaranti och om ersättande av rådets rekommendation av den 22 april 2013 om att inrätta en ungdomsgaranti)(Factsheet: Stratégie européenne en matière de compétences)(Factsheet: Enseignement et Formation Professionnels)Youth employment support - A Bridge to Jobs for the next generation©️ European Union, 2017 / Source: EC - Audiovisual ServiceCommunication: Youth Employment Support - a bridge to jobs for the next generationCommission proposal for a Council Recommendation on Vocational Education and TrainingCommission proposal for a Council Recommendation on a Bridge to Jobs - reinforcing the Youth GuaranteeFactsheet: Youth employment support - A Bridge to Jobs for the next generationThis site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication

Diversity and inclusivity are important to The Bridge Youth Service and we are committed to ensuring our workplace and services reflect this. Txt (612)400-SAFE Call (612)377-8800 Supportive Housing for Youth The Bridge offers longer-term supportive housing options for unaccompanied homeless pregnant and parenting youth and their children (ages 0-3). Now many fear a spike just ahead.The EU is investing tens of billions of euros powering the recovery plan for young people. Front Page - Bridge for Youth The Bridge for Youth provides runaway and homeless youth with safe shelter, assists in the prevention and resolution of family conflicts, and reunifies families whenever possible. We encourage all interested job-seekers to apply. Young people often face a difficult start in the labour market, and this has been emphasised by the coronavirus pandemic.The 2020 figure is still more than double the average general unemployment rate.