Did we do it?! How busy? A good problem to have... right? We've also added a Host Match Setting for TRUE RANDOM MONSTER if you don't want to have any fancy weighting at all when it comes to who gets to be the Monster each round. You know, the ones developers put out between bigger updates. Aim true, Spacemen!
If Spacemen don't notice the arm, they could accidentally shoot an innocent person who fell victim to this new Monstery trap.
As always be sure to follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/UnfortSpacemen and drop into Discord.gg/NewBlood to find Unfortunate Spacemen community games EVERY SINGLE DAY. Kinda speaks for itself, and comes in three flavors; Red, Green, and Blue! We'll be playing Community Games today at 1 PM PST! This item will spawn form one of the default (basic) item spawns in all game modes, and packs a real punch. https://media.giphy.com/media/l0IsHsQOyulEEmOWs/giphy.gif Read the full changelogs HERE: http://steamcommunity.com/app/408900/discussions/2/3223871682614384695/ New Blood is committed to the continual support of Zag as Unfortunate Spacemen heads toward an eventual full 1.0 release with even more game modes, features, content and helmets with cute animal ears on them ːsteamhappyː So what are you waiting for?! In the 14th update of 2017, the largest update of 2017, Zag is forced by his maniacal overlord publisher to add a COOPERATIVE SURVIVAL MODE to Unfortunate Spacemen. Large Gameplay Changes: You can no longer leave the Health Station as Monster, OR if the station has been hacked by the Monster's Remote Arm. The goal is to make the User Interface + User Experience as friendly and simple as possible but also make you keenly aware of how much money you're NOT YET SPENDING on the Unfortunate Space Store on these fancy new helmets! That's right, now you and up to FIVE of your closest co-workers (friends) can carry out missions for The Company in an ever ongoing effort to increase our profits & output!
The Company™ (and Zag) thanks you for sticking with us over these last *4* years!
The two co-op modes also have tips and hints. https://media.giphy.com/media/OOSVGQTVN4Xf33q0lT/giphy.gif Oh yeah we also made some gameplay changes or whatever: Updated Action Hero description to include the fact that Action Hero users can no longer see or steal keycards from others. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IckyGreenChickadee-size_restricted.gif All Early Access owners now have an additional skin for their Handgun, the Survivor skin. Crouch Animation https://thumbs.gfycat.com/HappyEnragedKrill-size_restricted.gif Listen, Dave would kill me if I didn't put this in the announcement post. Want to see what's new?
Or come tell us why you hate it! https://media.giphy.com/media/fQSoJXjp4a91BT7tfg/giphy.gif MONSTER VENTS The Monster also now has access to Monster Vents which are located around every Shapeshifter map. The full patch notes are massive for this one, boys and girls: https://steamcommunity.com/app/408900/discussions/2/1697168437869521833/ MEANWHILE: v0.2.25 "Growth" was EXPLOSIVE: Frag Grenade cooking is now a thing!
https://twitter.com/geoffkeene Or us! I'd say at least 4-6 people can be a really fun game. I've been too busy making this awesome update to make fancy videos! The entire Shapeshifter mode revolves around the Monster, so now they get their time in the spotlight. Neat! It's a great time, and now you unlock several very cool Visors for doing it! Victory Poses! Overhaul to performance on the Official New Blood dedicated servers. Pretty sneaky.
Ghosts now have a kill feed in chat to better follow the action. Dave's not here this time, it's me, Zag, instead. Unfortunate Spacemen is watched by 10 viewers over Twitch right now. But no longer!