“It is important to recognize there has been a supply chain breakdown,” says Rifino Valentine, Founder of Valentine Distilling Co., Ferndale, Mich. “Due to this breakdown, consumers in southeast Michigan haven’t been able to gain access to products such as hand sanitizer.” So, Valentine has begun producing Royal Clean’ Hand Sanitizer. Royal Clean Hand sanitizer. One hundred percent of proceeds go toward helping the Valentine Distilling Co. Ferndale, MI — Michiganders are known for our grit, toughness, and dedication to persevering. 5 gallon pail with pour spout PUMP SOLD SEPARATELY Pickup between 2 and 6 p.m. W-F outside our cocktail lounge: 161 Vester Ave Ferndale, MI 48220 for wholesale inquiries: info@valentinedistilling.com Together, the two distilleries hope to be able to help alleviate the sanitizer shortages amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. For external use only. Through beer, anything is possible. Receiving international recognition, Valentine Vodka, won the World’s Best Vodka in 2016 and 2017 at the World Vodka Awards in London. “From my perspective, this is simply an investment to do the right thing,” commented Valentine.“So far, Griffin Claw Brewing Company has bottled 3,000 2-ounce bottles of hand sanitizer with plans to bottle 5,000 more in the coming days,” said Christopher Lasher, marketing director for the brewer. "It is important to recognize there has been a supply chain breakdown," said Rifino Valentine, Founder of Valentine Distilling Co. "Due to this breakdown, consumers in southeast During this time of crisis, Valentine is also doing their part to support Valentine urges you to remember the core values, quality, and care regional manufacturers have shown you throughout this time.

The operational pivot to help support our Michigan community and country through the current COVID-19 crisis aligns with that initiative by supporting the continuation and sustaining manufacturing in the U.S. In summer 2019, Valentine’s Mayor Pingree Whiskey received 93 points and a Top 10 ranking from Whisky Advocate. Michigan's own award winning Valentine Distilling Company has switched production from spirits to hand sanitizer. “Griffin Claw has orders rolling in for sanitizer product,” said Rifino Valentine, Founder of Valentine Distilling Co. “We figured we would help supply them with alcohol to continue and increase production of the product.” Michigan officials announced Thursday that licensed distilleries in the state are now permitted to produce ethanol-based hand sanitizers in order to help meet demand of the products. Valentine Distilling Co.’s Liberator Gin has also received the “Best American Gin Distillery” at the Berlin International Spirits Competition. Limited-edition Royal Clean Hand Sanitizer t-shirts are also available for purchase in the Valentine online shop. Valentine Distilling Co. has gone so far to voluntarily pause its spirits production to utilize its manufacturing facility to make the base required to produce the sanitizer. The world is changing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but Valentine Distilling Co.’s values have never wavered. "We have a staff that's more than willing to work around the clock to get this done.” In addition to the 2-ounce spray bottles, Griffin Claw has been filling bulk containers for the State of Michigan Emergency Operations Center who will distribute the product throughout the state to first responders and medical personnel. Tax Planning; Personal Finance; Save for College; Save for Retirement; Invest in Retirement When Detroit was dubbed the Arsenal of Democracy during World War II, the manufacturing mecca in Michigan turned its attention from motorizing our citizenry to motorizing our military. Great way to clean hands when soap and water are not available.