So it is just a matter of time.The holy city of the Muslim religion is Mecca, on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. They fought back.As I have thought about this, I have found Stan’s point of view to be reasonable and most likely accurate.He mentioned also, as I remember, that the current unrest in the Middle East appears to be a reflection of what is taking place in the heavenlies. Christ against Antichrist. Then they will be visible to us once again.Recently I finished reading “Black Hawk Down.” This is an account of a brief incursion into Somalia in Africa by some members of the American Special Forces. The Kingdom of God shall be installed on the earth with irresistible force. I do not know whether or not this is the case.But I do know from the Bible that Jerusalem is destined to be the governing city of the world, the place of God’s Throne, the source of all light, all glory, and all righteousness. By established in Christ I mean each individual who is to be able to maintain his position at the right hand of God in Christ will have to have learned stern obedience to the Father. If we are not busy in worldly activities we are busy in religious activities. Es basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von John Marsden , der in Deutschland unter dem Titel Morgen war Krieg erschien. No power can prevent it.Does the above sound to you that Israel will finally be overcome? Sheik Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi stated that suicide attacks are “an Islamic commandment until the people of Palestine regain their land and cause the cruel Israeli aggression to retreat.”Ahmad Al Tayyeb, a mufti (a Muslim scholar and judge), declared that “the solution to the Israeli terror” lies in a proliferation of suicide attacks “that strike horror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (The San Diego Union-Tribune, Monday, April 15th, 2002).I believe there will be continued negotiations concerning the allocation of land to the Palestinians. God against Satan. However, as soon as the war breaks out, Homer emerges as the unofficial leader of their group. Homer’s friends know him as kind of a screw up, and they don’t expect much from him. We will be an active part of Christ or we will default to Satan. Where is the Kingdom of God in this manmade doctrine? You will be removed from the Vine, from Christ, as an unfruitful branch. The issue is the Muslim god and the Muslim religion against the Jewish God, who also is the God of the Christians, and the Jewish-Christian religion.Jerusalem is the city from which Jesus Christ will rule the nations of the earth. This is referring to Christ being formed in us.We may be in some confusion and dismay now, but we are to rejoice. God will protect you and your loved ones during the Gentile holocaust on the horizon.But if you continue to be caught up in the folly of the American culture, giving your prime energies and time to working, playing, reproducing, eating, sleeping, all necessary in their place, but are not spending time in prayer, Bible reading, assembling with fervent Christians, denying yourself, and carrying your cross after the Lord, there will be no Divine protection over you or your loved ones. The enemy will be utterly confounded and dismayed.Ours is a day of decision. Satan and his angels would be hurled down from the heaven into the earth.I envisioned this victorious attack as taking place during a brief period of time.As Pastor Stan was preaching he said a few weeks previously, the moment he awoke in the morning he realized “the war has begun.” He understood this expression to be referring to the war in the heaven, of the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation.Stan then emphasized three points, which certainly are worth considering. That nation is the royal priesthood, the holy nation. Juni 1948 wies RA Dr. L. darauf hin, dass MietzinsüberschüsseThe uneasy truce established by the Treaty of Coruscant is quicklyAs soon as a viral community reached a new host that was already infected onelabour was to be met by the "Reich deployment" of persons from the conquered territories.durch den Reichseinsatz" der Menschen aus den eroberten Gebieten ausgeglichen werden.we are contributing, together with our group, in this last ditch attempt to join forces against the war.stattfindet, wozu wir gemeinsam mit unserer Fraktion - noch in einem letzten Versuch zur Vereinigung der Anstrengungen gegen den Krieg - beigetragen haben.The European Parliament should debate and approve the new instrument that is replacing the TACIS programme, even if currently Russia, the largest of the new States, is the focus of a justDas Europäische Parlament muß das an die Stelle des TACIS-Programms tretende neue Instrument erörtern und meines Erachtens befürworten, auch wenn es als Folge des brutalen Krieges gegen Tschetschenien jetzt zu Recht die Initiative für dieGoethe's remark on the evening after the cannonade of Valmy: "From here and today a new era of world history takes its starting-point, and you can tell that you have been present.Wenn man daraus mit Robert Misik folgert: "Die welthistorischenach der Kanonade von Valmy: "Von hier und heute geht eine neue Epoche der Weltgeschichte aus, und ihr könnt sagen, ihr seid dabei gewesen.In Bosnien-Herzegowina etwa betrug der Transformationsindex der EBRD für den Bankensektor nach dem Ende des Bosnienkrieges lediglich 1, d.h. der But revenue began declining after that — from about $20,000 to about $10,000 in fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15. The Lord said He would make us fishers of men. It is possible that the present war in the Middle East is a reflection of what is taking place in the heavens.This brief essay is based on the sermon of Mr. Stan Josephsen, the assistant pastor of Mount Zion Fellowship of Poway, California, given on Sunday morning, April 14th, 2002. The Muslims will never rest until they have Jerusalem as their capital.