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4 Muziek voor iedereen - Spotify Get track Spotify heeft meer muziek dan je ooit nodig zult hebben. If you can’t find an artist you’re looking for, they may appear (or reappear) soon.

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Do you know any background info about this track? The band was formed in 1999 by lead singer Mark Greaney and drummer Fergal Matthews.The two recruited the third and final member Hilary Woods as bassist and formed the trio, playing gigs in Ireland while still studying for their Leaving Cert exams. feat: The band was formed in 1999 by lead singer Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for JJ72 - JJ72 on AllMusic - 2000 - If you want to make a mistake, at least make it a…

JJ72 were a rock band from Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the

9 However, if they are not already on Spotify, they cannot be shared with other users. 2

JJ72 were a rock band from Dublin, Republic of Ireland. feat: