Ummm....what about ph crash? The fish are responsive, but at a fraction of what you would expect from them. Feed your fish frozen bloodworms to get their appetite back in line, and once they are eating, you can slowly start introducing flake food into their diet. The shipping water is filled with waste and C02, putting an air stone in will rapidly remove the C02, quickly raising the pH level and turning the ammonium in the water into more toxic ammonia. Expensive and hard to find, this fish is just about the opposite of the common angelfish: While P. scalare is hardy, adaptable, and easy to spawn, P. altum is delicate, finicky, and near-impossible to spawn. Raising Altum angelfish. Feed your fish frozen bloodworms to get their appetite back in line, and once they are eating, you can slowly start introducing flake food into their diet. The tetracyclene in the mix is a time-proven solution for bacterial infections. If you try the jar method, you will lose the eggs the first second and probably the third time … At 48 hours, the water will be discoloured and will likely have a yellow tinge to it. The fish should be erect in the bag, but likely resting on the bottom. When they are available, they have been completely acclimated to city tap water and higher pH. Select options Select options Details. (Pterophyllum scalare). - Optimal growth. You've seen their pictures and they've caught your eye, and in your research you've found that there's a lot of info out there by people who have never seen an, For this article, we're going to focus on, Have you ever seen a fish batter itself to death on the side of an aquarium? The variables that need to be taken into consideration will derive from the population density of the aquarium, the size of the angelfish, and crucially the water conditions of the aquarium. There are different #rules for food fish and aquarium fish here in Canada, right down to specific species. Altum Angelfish (Pterophyllum altum)Altum Angelfish. When it comes to #medication, my first response is typically "wait and see what happens." Altums need to go into an established aquarium, and their surroundings and tank mates should be chosen carefully. It's said that for every wild altum you see in a fish store, ten have died to get there due to how sensitive they are in transport. The process takes about an hour, so leave yourself time and don't rush the process. Freshwater angelfish grow TALL. Aquarium Fish Sale offers a beautiful variation of the wild angel fish. Keep your #aquariumlights off for the first 24-48 hours, or severely limit the light entering the tank from above by blocking it with paper/cardboard. From tip to tip they can get up to 12 inches in a larger tank. Know the signs of a distressed fish, know what is a disease vs. an unhappy fish, and ensure that you're monitoring for improvement. Common Name: Altum Algelfish, Altum Angel Scientific Name: Pterophyllum Altum Average Adult Fish Size: 6 inches / 15.2 cm Place of Origin: Amazon river basin of S. America Typical Tank Setup: Well planted with drift wood / bogwood and some rock work. My altums have only become sick once, but in that instance I could have lost them all. I've found altum angelfish like #krill flakes, as well as Tetramin flakes, but it takes them some time to adjust to the food. 黑水埃及神仙YANG's BlackWater Altum Angelfish . The fish should be responsive, but may be a little sluggish. These fish are typically captured in remote areas of the, Your country likely has laws regulating the import of fish. Hardness was off the charts, and guess what? Altum angelfish have been known to panic and smash into the glass of the aquarium, killing themselves accidently. If parasites are noticeable, start with antiparasitic medication first like prazipro or paraguard. Use a white nylon aqurium net, the finer mesh won't catch the angelfish's rays and the material is gentler than standard nets. Avoid small armored cats like pygmy cory cats or ottocinclus. In their flight, they bump into each other, further perpetuating the problem and creating more pandamonium in your aquarium. Decorating your aquarium is an art form in itself, but in this case, it's function over fashion. Altum angelfish are by far the most impressive species of angelfish. Ph was around 7. After nearly two years in captivity, mostly spent in a 180 gallon aquarium, mine still haven't totally settled into domestic life. #aquarium #angelfish #pterophyllumaltum #altumangelfish #acclimatingaltums #discus #softwater #growingangelfish #amazon #importingangelfish #acidicwater. Smaller rainbow fish can serve the same purpose. I had a better chance of losing 50 lbs and becoming a super model than attaining what the internet was telling me these fish required. API Fungus Cure is a great product to have on hand, and it's what worked to solve my issue. The fish were happy. You get a stronger fish and you help to conserve the wild populations of this incredible species. Tank breed Altum F1 #Altum . The heat pack will likely have quit by now and the water may be cooler than ideal. Just making it through this part of the journey is stressful enough for the fish, and suppliers are more concerned with shipping than with care. First, make sure the tank you are adding them into has the glass on the back and sides covered or painted. As a group freshwater Angelfish are territorial and will squabble with one another until a dominant male is established. Wild-Caught from South America (their range in the Amazon River Basin is from Venezuela to Columbia down to Brazil. The Altum Angelfish In the world of the tropical fish hobby, it is safe to assume that most aquarists have kept the common angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare ) in one form or another. Fin nippers should be avoided at all costs. But...that would shut down biological bacteria..,and, uh, how...when I need to have 0 water hardness and can't buffer the water!?!?!? If your fish is on it's side, gasping, and non-responsive to light or touch, you need to skip acclimation and place the altum directly into the aquarium. I lost an altum that opportunistically ate an otto cat it had been living with for 9 months, and I deeply regret it. In time, they'll take to flakes like it's candy. Drip acclimation is key with altum angelfish. Congo tetras are perfect tank mates for altum angelfish. Keep a #ditherfish or two in the hospital tank that won't pick on the frightened altums. About 9 months into raising this group, I lost an altum when he tried swallowing an, One of the most frightening asepcts of this fish were the pristine, For the first 6 months I had the altums, they were kept in a 110 gallon aquarium, in tap water, getting a 40% water change every 2 weeks. Altums are particularly prone to it. Not keeping them in tap water longer, as it would have made water changes a whole lot easier and cheaper. Keep it on a chair or table, at least a foot off the floor, so that drafts don't quickly cool the water in the bucket. Zero nitrates! They can be kept singularly, … Ensure that there is enough water to cover the fish, if there isn't, support the bucket on an angle or use a smaller bucket. Growing and wholesaling angels to the GTA and surrounding area, he shares his years of experience in his blog for advanced aquarists. Freshwater angelfish, named after the unrelated marine angelfish, are a popular cichlid species originally from the Amazon region of South America and are relatively calm and slow-moving, only occasionally getting excited or territorial during feeding and spawning. That piece of driftwood might look great, but it could be your undoing. Bulgarian Green Angelfish $ 26.00. I lost an altum that opportunistically ate an otto cat it had been living with for 9 months, and I deeply regret it. Since the Angelfish you buy are most likely 50 th generation tank raised, they are not going to be easily startled, so the chances are they will take care of their eggs until hatching. I've found altum angelfish like, Congo tetras are perfect tank mates for altum angelfish, Tank mates should be larger than what an altum can fit into its mouth when full grown. When fleeing, altum angelfish are not looking to see what's in front of them. Leave a comment, a question, or even a contradiction down below and we can learn together. These angelfish are in a difficulty class of their own. These tips are for wild-caught altums coming in from South America, but can act as a reference for people receiving acclimated altums as well. If parasites aren't visible, start with a round of antibacterial medication first. It's been a rollercoaster of a ride, and this is what I've learned not to do, in order to do things right. Do not add an air stone to the bucket. Hardness was off the charts, and guess what? The fish will likely have adjusted to the water parameters of the facility they're kept at by the time they're shipped, and this becomes a known variable. - Reduced growth due to malnutrition and stunted growth because of acclimatization where they can spend many days without eating. #aquarium #angelfish #altum #altums #altumangelfish #pterophyllumaltum #wildcaughtaltumangelfish #reverseosmosis #columnaris #fishdisease. Don't make the same mistake. I first saw albino Dantum angelfish in person a few years back. If the fish have been packed with methylene blue, the water will have a green tinge. FYI, medicating a 110 gallon aquarium to eliminate columnaris costs just upwards of $400 over a span of two weeks. Congo tetras are a great mix for altums, providing comfort through their motion. This means you need to look at ALL of your aquarium’s dimensions. I had to assume that all of the altums and all of the cory cats were sick, and I didn't have a #hospitaltank big enough for all of them. Wild Altum Season Is From July 15th To December 31st. 136. During a normal season we have Orinoco and Atabapo Altums. The water doesn't smell very good, but it's not repulsive. Andrei Vexler is an aquarist with over 20 years in the fish hobby. Altums are particularly prone to it. Angelfish have a tendency to become fixated on something and go into a weird hypnotic trance. The first task of managing angelfish is selecting an appropriate tank. A minimum 24" tall tank should be used, and altums need about 20 gallons per fish. There should be very little waste in the bag, and when you open it, there should be very little smell. The fish should be alert, or as alert as they can be having just been woken up, and reactive to being pulled out of the box. The fish were typically in the bag for nearly 72 hours, having been held up at customs for extra screening. #Tankmates that provide constant motion and distraction play a huge role in the safety of your altum angels. Large rainbow fish or congo tetras are good tank mates. You'll need more Discuss Buffer than regulator for the mix, and as an added perk it also dechlorinates water. They are wild fish that are panicking, and they don't understand what glass is. An altum's natural environment is over white sand, and they prefer it to gravel. On the flipside, you'll never see me saying good things about Melafix or Pimafix. If given the choice, choose aquarium bred fish. It's a blind panic to get away. When faced with a frightening scenario, they choose to flee, fast and far. Avoid streaks of light crossing the aquarium (car lights through a window), and flashes of light from a TV. Blue Black Ninja Angelfish Currently Unavailable Read more Details. The Altum Angelfish, also refered to as the “High Sailfish” is up to 40 cm tall and is significantly larger than the other two types of angelfish.. You can also recognize it by a pronounced saddle nose and reddish colored fins.Altum … Large rainbow fish or congo tetras are good tank mates. Get an #LEDlight with a 24 hour automated cycle. Leave a comment, a question, or even a contradiction down below and we can learn together. Run a line of airline tubing from the aquarium into the bucket. Altums also grow quite large and tall. It may be breathing a little heavier than normal, but not gasping. It's a blind panic to get away. Setting up the Tank. Most of all, A root that provides top coverage is a favourite hang-out spot for the wild altums, Decorating your aquarium is an art form in itself, but in this case, it's function over fashion. IMPORTANT: If you have D.O.A,'s in the bag, your remaining fish could be in really bad shape. The drip is adding oxygen into the water in the bucket. I used to have 12 wild altums, until one got a little peckish and decided to taste one of his tank mates. Fish are typically packed the day they are shipped, but if the supplier's facility is far from the airport, it may be a day's journey (or longer) before they are on a plane. Odds are it won't survive acclimation and you need to get the fish into water that isn't poisoning it. I use Finnex lights. Don't place the bucket on the floor. Saved by Mongabay. Mar 13, 2015 - Picture: Altum angelfish in an Amazon biotope tank Now, my wild altum angelfish are kept in a 180 gallon aquarium of buffered, The way I buffer and condition the water is through a combination of, By far one of the scariest moments with my altums, the disease spread to all of them in less than a day. It was truly hearbreaking as I had planned to remove the school of catfish that same weekend. The Peruvian Altum Angelfish is indigenous to several river systems in Northern South America, but virtually all specimens in the aquarium hobby have been tank-raised for generations. Being skittish, sharp rocks and wood with spiked edges, such as eucalyptus root, is a recipe for disaster. I'd only recommend 6 altums maximum in a 100-120 gallon fish tank. Give them a few spots with either floating plants or roots they can hide under, and that will quickly become their favourite spot. I had improperly introduced twelve #corydoras catfish into my aquarium, and they infected my altums with columnaris. Altum Angelfish, Orinoco Angelfish. That sucked. In order to reduce their line of sight and give them a sense of their space, I've painted the sides and back of my. Allow the water to double and remove it two more times, and your fish will be ready to be placed into your aquarium. Nitrate was around 20-30ppm. Start a siphon from the aquarium and either tie a knot in the line, or use a reducing valve so that the water drips out of the tubing at 2-4 drips a second. A stable 5.0ph level! Avoid streaks of light crossing the aquarium (car lights through a window), and flashes of light from a TV. Assess the fish, do you see parasites on its body or protruding from the gills? Tank mates should be larger than what an altum can fit into its mouth when full grown. Flooded Basement Aquatics . Acclimating wild-caught altum angelfish. - No harmful parasite. Swimming Level: Mid to top. 1. The way I buffer and condition the water is through a combination of Discuss Buffer and Neutral Regulator (both by Seachem). The fish will very likely be resting on the bottom of the bag, breathing heavier than normal. Notes: This is the Holy Grail for many cichlid fans. Wait 3-4 days after you've removed the medication from the hospital tank to ensure that an infection doesn't flare up. Your country likely has laws regulating the import of fish. Having run a fish room with over 700 freshwater and saltwater aquariums, Andrei found his passion in South American cichlids, particularly altum angelfish. Of their own or so ), and their surroundings and tank mates be... Have plenty of plants and/or driftwood altums maximum in a 180 gallon aquarium to create # constantmotion not. Fish ; this graceful South American cichlid is definitely a eye catcher acclimation procedures will thrive in a heavily aquarium! 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