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Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers

Evaluate powers of ten

Our free resources for teachers and parents (printable worksheets, apps, progress reports, assignment creation software…) make lesson planning and grading a breeze.

Multiply by 1-digit numbers: word problems

Subtract decimal numbers

Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems

Create and interpret line plots with fractions

Compatible with tablets/phones

Interpret line plots

Compatible with tablets/phones

Compatible with tablets/phones

Addition and subtraction patterns with fractions

Compare numbers up to billions

Add fractions with unlike denominators using models

Compatible with tablets/phones

Multiplying fractions by whole numbers: choose the model

Compare and convert metric units of volume

Compatible with tablets/phones Multiply money amounts

PrimaryGames is the fun place to learn and play!

Greatest common factor

Division with decimal quotients: word problems

Multi-step problems with customary or metric unit conversions Compatible with tablets/phones

Divide by 2-digit numbers using models

Compatible with tablets/phones Compatible with tablets/phones

Place values in decimal numbers Identify rectangles