Most highlighter sets have the same screaming neon colors, but Zebra offers you softer hues. Look no further! But after using the Mildliners, I became a convert. The Souffle set of pens are slow to dry but sure to impress with their buttery soft texture. These are by no mean necessary, but they might make your bullet journal easier to create or just more enjoyable!When you’re first beginning your bullet journal, you might want to lean on bullet journal printables every once in a while to let you focus on other aspects of your planning. I can’t really quantify what I like about these markers, but I just love the way they write. I personally love one with a cork back so it doesn’t slip while I’m using it.Speaking of a pencil bag, this little pouch makes traveling with your bullet journal a million times easier. If that’s something that worries you, then I would suggest the erasable Pilot FriXion pens. Check out my Besides the obvious bullet journal supplies of a notebook and pens, there are a few other items that you might want to pick up to make your experience fun. Keeping a bunch of pens rattling around in your purse or backpack isn’t ideal — for you or the longevity of the pens.If you’ve been using your bullet journal for a while and you feel like you have a solid grasp on the basics, then you are probably ready to step up your game. Book from Archer & Olive packs a punch without diminishing quality.

So, before you browse the supplies, I recommend getting this ebook: Brainbook – Bullet Journaling Your Way to a More Organized Life by Kalyn Brooke . Since I decided to write about bullet journals extensively on this blog, I’ve purchased and tested out literally hundreds of different bullet journal notebooks, pens, markers, …

What you need is some way to make the process enjoyable — whether that means using nice supplies, drinking a hot cup of coffee while you write, or listing to your favorite music. They simply are dependable, durable, and comfortable for long painting sessions.If you want to dabble in watercolors in your bullet journal, then the Pentel Aquash Brush Pens are perfect for you. In fact, the This book might not be about journaling, per se, but many people in the bullet journal community have found it incredibly helfpul for organizing their lives in general. List of the best supplies for your bullet journal. Bullet Journal Essential Supplies There are a few essential tools you will need to start a bullet journal.You could then go all out with pens and markers and highlighters. Sometimes I use them as a reminder, moving the note from page to page until I get a task done. If you want to incorporate lettering into your notebook, then these Dual Brush Pens are a must-have. These random bits and bobs are definitely a little bit extra, but you might find something that you absolutely cannot bullet journal without.When you’re trying to create a circle for a spread, like a Level 10 Life chart, it can take forever. They Want to read some great books to help you organize your life and make a better use of your bullet journal? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Plus, an organizing tool and a pretty journal cover.I wanted to share my favorites because bullet journaling supplies are a load of fun.
The bullet journal mood graph by u/astralaffection is minimalist yet elegant. The notebook has a softcover with a lovely texture and it’s available in many colors. Find the best Bullet Journal accessories to create amazing bujo layouts & spreads.

You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Save yourself the annoyance and frustration and just grab a cute set of clips. I have used it for years in setting up my spreads because I love the variation in line width and texture that it produces.This pack of pens has a huge level of variety that I just love. Don’t spend so much money that you’re afraid of writing in the journal and wasting the pages — after all, those pages are there for you to write in.

These bright, bold, and beautiful colors glide on the page and stand out like nothing else.Want an ink like no other? But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. So find a notebook that is a balance of economic and luxurious.This is hands down my favorite overall bullet journal notebook. Notebook Pen Loop If your journal does not come with a pen loop then buying one is a really good idea. It’s just one of those things that can make or break a spread, and it’s invaluable to have one in my pencil bag. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.