To have everyone communicating the same way via the web in one easy to find location for parents. These websites are geared around more actionable information and may contain “how to’s”, tips and tricks, fix and repair, guidance, support information, directions, instructions, etc. Some websites are geared towards selling products and other websites are geared towards providing practical information, while others are merely for entertainment. Social media websites make quick and easy work out of building up a network of connections so as to keep in touch, share daily experiences, photos, interests, preferences, etc. This is the topic of a meeting I have today with the other technology teachers in my district. Social networks can be used for both personal and commercial purposes.

These websites are designed to be easy to navigate and frequently updated in order to keep users coming back for more information. What this tells us is that the Web is considered primarily a means of communication, first to inform and second to promote. Tim is the only principal I know who expects his teachers to … Education does not have a single purpose; it serves multiple objectives, and the relative importance of each of these objectives can be very personal. What a concept! Students access any LMS or other applications available to them through the website and prospective families search for information about the school (ours is private).I work with Districts, Schools, Non-Profits, and Corporations in helping to understand how this current generation lives, learns and plays in the technology-rich world they are growing up in.Copyright 2019 by Jeff Utecht Consulting Inc. These results suggest that for a Web site, getting a message across is t… The ‘lost and found’ pictures are kept on So back to the question I need to answer: What is the purpose of a school web site.A school web site’s purpose I feel is simple: To communicate what is happening in the school.

Online magazines, gossip oriented websites, celebrity news, sports coverage, movies, the arts, humorous websites, etc. Blogs can be started up very easily online using a number of free services, such as The hallmark of a blog is that it’s very easy for an untrained person to maintain with little to no technical knowledge.The purpose of social media websites are to make it very easy to share and connect with friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances and even strangers. Businesses use social networks to build direct connections with their customers which allows them to get feedback on their products and services and allows them to learn more about what their customers really need and want.No matter what kind of website you may want to build, ClearTech Interactive has been building websites since 2003 and we can help you build any kind of website you need built.If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you build an effective website that achieves its desired purpose, ©2018 ClearTech Interactive Corp. All Rights Reserved.

The varied emphasis is a … Tim is the only principal I know who expects his teachers to post at least once a week to the web site.

I feel they should be the web master of the schools web site. What is it we are trying to communicate and to whom?I can’t help but continue to look at the school web site Tim Lauer has produced for his school in Portland, OR. So I thought I’d prepare for the meeting by taking some time and writing my thoughts down.I’m glad we are stopping for a moment to look at what is our objective with a school web site. Just curious if you intended that or not.“A school web site�s purpose I feel is simple: To communicate what is happening in the school. During this process, they are trying to find the best company that will meet their specific needs. There are many important elements that go into building a The purpose of a service-based business website is to convince website visitors that they should become customers of the service company. Different kinds of websites have different purposes depending on who the intended audience is. The problem is how many principals out there really have the knowledge to create and maintain a school web site? PS. Write and publish…a simple two step process for getting information to the school audience.Tim also does a great job of using free programs to benefit his school. He doesn’t have it set up as a blog, but he can easily and quickly post articles that reach the audience he wants without having to do a lot of work. They are trying to ascertain how expert the company is, the quality of the work they will receive, whether the provider has a good reputation and how long the company has been in business. (Maybe we need to review the qualifications of a principal? Educaional websites are the sites made for the purpose of education, purpose may vary accordingly it may be to educate them or counsel them. When asked to define the main purpose of a Web site, respondents in our survey selected two purposes well above the rest: to provide information to current and potential clients (30%) and to promote and market the organization (27%). )This is where I think open-source software comes into play. Blogs can be for entertainment purposes or used as an online journal or used by companies to keep their customers abreast of what is going on.