Here’s everything you need to know about the event.This tournament will be a squads competition, which will be the first of its kind in Chapter 2. 14 Days of Summer Fortnite Start Time, Release Date, Challenges, Rewards, Skins, New LTMs (Pic: EPIC GAMES) (Image: EPIC GAMES) The new Fortnite event, 14 Days of Summer, gets underway later today, but the festivities are already underway, with a brand new skin set available to purchase on the item shop. These challenges make reference to a number of summery items including giant beach balls, water balloons and unicorn floaties. The 14 Days of Summer event has started, and it will bring new challenges and daily rewards … See them in the image below:These are fun sounding challenges with quite a bit of variety, and should keep players pretty engaged over the course of the event.
Although it’s only summer in the upper half of the world, players who are freezing in winter can get a bit warmer with the beach vibe of the Data miners have found all of the challenges that are coming as part of 14 Days of Summer. Players are going to get to enjoy Summertime in Fortnite Battle Royale with an in-game event rumored to be named ’14 Days of Summer’. Here are the top 25 in the qualifiers as the results go live. "Throughout Summer Splash, enjoy a rotation of LTMs such as Fog of War (formerly Sneaky Silencers), Close Encounters, Unvaulted, Catch! Though it's been rebranded, it's more or less the same, with plenty of new bright and colourful …
Midas, as a character, has been hugely influential to the narrative/story running throughout Fortnite’s season’s though. Epic Games hasn't said if there will be any free rewards during the Summer but data miners have found some clues that hint at free back blings. This includes the Fortnite 14 Days of Summer event. Click on the links to be redirected to our guide for that specific challenge.The final 14 Days of Summer challenge asks players Players need to score 250,000 trick points with a Driftboard with the Neon Tropics wrap applied to it to complete this challenge. The 14 Days of Summer event is live in Fortnite: Battle Royale. And finally, be sure and check out the Item Shop for new and returning holiday outfits appearing daily to show off your holiday spirit. If there are any ties or discrepancies, we’ll clear them up after the official results are posted.Twenty-five players will move on from each heat of the competition. Twenty-five players will move on from each heat of the competition. Epic Games usually celebrates holidays and other worldwide events, like Summer!
You’ll have to place in the top 1,000 in EU, top 625 in NA-East, and top 250 in NA-West.It appears as though this is an open competition that will depend on your Arena Score. They’ll get the Surfstick spray as a reward.Day three will ask you to get five eliminations with We’ll update this story as Epic releases more challenges. ... Fortnite's 14 Days of Summer event kicked off on … The 14 Days of Summer event is live in Fortnite: Battle Royale. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. This season, we had another solo competition on our hands. Epic Games has announced Summer Splash 2020, which includes a "rotation of classic limited time modes with some new ones" and special cosmetics.Epic detailed its plans for the Summer months on its Fortnite Summer Splash is taking advantage of the new underwater map to recycle popular modes from previous season. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Next season, we have the always entertaining Trios format.The finals are underway with the Grand Finals set to take place on August 16. BA1 1UA. Previous years had special challenges and additional unlockables for players. It will be interesting to see Squads compete for the first time in a long time – especially when a lot of these players are out of practice in such a format.The point system has been tweaked to accommodate squads, which favors eliminations twice as much as solo fights. (Certainly these are more interesting than Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Summer Splash will feature special costumes and other cosmetics you can buy in the item shop. The legendary event is back once again for Summer 2020. If there are any ties or discrepancies, we’ll clear them up after the official results are posted.Twenty-five players will move on from each heat of the competition. There's sunshine, social events, ice cream trucks around every corner.
"One Shot Duos, where players jump around in low gravity with nothing but snipers, is the first limited time mode available during the special summer event. New limited time modes will come at a later date during the summer. Fortnite Summer Splash 2020 rewards, challenges, skins and more.