In this case, what sounds like “grachki” actually means garage key. A dip in the pool? Common items used to call dibs include patio furniture, suitcases, garbage cans, milk crates or any number of other items.So while people from other cities might say, “I call dibs on that last piece of deep dish pizza,” a Chicagoan might say, “I called dibs on a killer parking spot right outside my door this morning.” Although he probably wouldn’t talk about it so much as just doing it. If you end up living in your own Chicago bungalow, make friends with your neighbors by saying, “Let’s eat this pizza in the frunchroom and catch the big game.” They’ll think you’ve lived here your whole life.For those who like sweet fizzy beverages, it’s best to order a pop when you’re in Chicago instead of soda. All of Max Allan Collins' Nate Heller short stories collected together.

If you tell your friend that you know her boyfriend is cheating on her, she might reply with “merch.” That simply means that she wants you to prove it.If you’re completely and totally new to the city of Chicago and have never Googled anything about the city, then you’ll definitely want to familiarise yourself with . You may hear someone say, “And then he goes, ‘Those yuppies had the nerve to take over our bar.’.” In other words, “goes” gets used as the past or present tense of “say.” You’ll likely hear this word when a group gets together and shares stories.Chicago is full of expressways, which are the interstates that run in the Chicagoland area. “Hey man, we’re having a kickback at Pat’s if you want to comeThis one would be a hard guess for virtually anybody who’s not from Chicago. Instead of using north, south, east or west, Chicagoans typically just use inbound or outbound. So now when you hear someone say, “Man, I just got back from the Taste and I’m stuffed,” you’ll understand why.The official name of this distinctly Chicago sculpture is Cloud Gate, but Chicagoans refer to it as the bean — or da bean if you really want to nail the Chicago accent. Many people from Chicago say, “I’m going to the washroom. The sculpture basically looks like a giant mirrored bean. Unlike taking a taste of a friend’s dessert, the Taste leaves you feeling stuffed and swearing you’ll never eat again. The festival packs in all sorts of local dishes and specialty cuisines in one spot for your enjoyment. In Chicago, instead of simply saying “you” to refer to a group, you often year people saying “yous”. Chicago slang talk. If you’re not in the mood for pizza, the Giordano’s menu features a variety of “sammichs” to satisfy your hunger.Just like frunchroom, this Chicago term may leave you wondering what in the world the person means. "Chicago lightning" means "gunfire" in Prohibition-era slang. While many Chicago slang words shorten the original, some stretch out the original to something longer.

Order me another beer while I’m gone.” If you’re out and about in Chicago and need to use the restroom, try asking, “Hey, where’s the nearest washroom?” Don’t be surprised if you hear, “There’s a washroom across the street at that restaurant, over by there.”When you hear this plural for of “you,” it sounds just like the verb “use” so don’t be confused. While some Chicagoans may use the term for those purposes, we’re also known to use the word “dip” when they talk about leaving.

Chicago is a "me first" kind of place, and when snow makes it difficult to find parking, the locals get creative.

Yes, Chicago is cold, but wearing a jacket in Chicago might not always be a good thing. If you’re a local, then you’ll probably fight like hell just to prove to out-of-towners that the accent and Chicago slang are simply the best version of spoken American English.However, if you’re not from here, you might have some trouble making sense of it all. It’s a great way to experience the vibrant mix here in Chicago.While many Chicago slang words shorten the original, some stretch out the original to something longer.

It just means to be lying. Mother nature's power and beauty were on full display in Chicago Monday night when lightning lit up the city's skyline.

If you ever hear someone use the Chicago slang phrase There are no prairies anywhere near the city of Chicago, so what the heck could this Chicago slang word mean?

Interstate 290 is the Eisenhower. It also helps you avoid awkward conversation pauses when you’re trying to figure out what your new friend is saying.