Living life with pleasure and enjoyment is always a priority, whether that’s through social gatherings, excellent food, or beautiful surroundings. They also love their local pharmacies for skincare and other beauty products.This need to prioritize beauty needs doesn’t come so much from a place of being vain as it does from the need to pamper oneself.
I like that you said that dedicating time each day to sit down and savor your meal is something the French have embraced and practiced in their society since forever. How is it that French women can eat their chocolate croissants and buttered bread while still looking as fantastic as they do? The French lifestyle is all about the art of living life to the fullest. Furthermore, healthy habits are ingrained in the French culture from a young age.
It’s something that feels entirely natural there, but hard to practice when I’m home in the States. Now, this doesn’t mean dancing around town and singing about how great life is (although you can if you want! You won’t find the French eating strawberries in winter, but you will find some fantastic pears that will inspire you to make a Furthermore, in France, it’s not uncommon for the French to become friends with the farmers and vendors at their local outdoor markets. (Someone has to supply those farmers’ markets!) But it is certainly a boring prospect to gulp down 8 glasses a day as needed. As a French lifestyle blog, the French lifestyle and culture are topics that are discussed quite a bit. I wanted to add that in my experience as a child, my pepere and memere, both from France, greatly valued their garden. It’s also a reflection of the French affinity for elevating simple everyday routines in favor of a more elegant and beautiful life.This tip goes hand-in-hand with dressing your best. Unless you are in the wilderness or jail, no one is going to take your food. In a day and age where most people tend to get their news or information from digital sources, it’s quaint and refreshing to see the French still reading the paper or supporting their local bookstore.I think the idea of picking up a physical piece of paper or book means that you can’t really absorb the information on-the-go, the way you might be able to do with your phone. Read more to learn how the French manage to enjoy themselves while still maintaining slim figures. Walking is an integral part of daily French life, and adopting this habit is one of the simplest ways we can start incorporating the French lifestyle into our daily routines.Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of French living is the ability to effortlessly practice the concept of less is more. While the act of collecting art and antiques definitely occurs, the French truly enjoy the cultural experience of viewing and learning the story behind the art and antiques too.Embracing cultural activities like this is a wonderful way of getting more involved in the community and raising your awareness about the arts. The cat doesn’t count as company. French Lifestyle. You... 2. It can give your soul more depth, more passion, and an artistic flair that can make you quite French!Somewhat similar to the concept of eating mindfully and devoting proper time for meals is the idea of just taking it slow and steady on a daily basis in your overall routine.It’s very easy to find yourself planning a list of errands to run and things that need to be done when you’re off work, often leading to lots of running around here and there and packing in as much as you can into the free time that you have.For me, learning to slow down and not pack my schedule with errands is one of the more challenging French lifestyle tips to follow. It’s so silly, like you said, that these tips are simple but we really have to put a conscious effort into doing outside of France.
I’m so happy to be on your email list. French women have a long tradition of taking beauty tips from their grandmothers vs. magazines or the internet. I can just feel your love for the culture and traditions you’ve shared, and I can only imagine just how heavenly your kitchen is around the holiday! ).The way I’ve always perceived joie de vivre and how the French practice this concept is in the way they savor the simple pleasures in life. Read more to learn about how shopping at the farmers market can help you create a clean and flavorful meals in your life. 2. The best dinner of our 7-day trip. There are these tiny worms known as C.Elegans that exhibit... 3.
In America, it feels like multi-tasking and getting things done quickly is encouraged and rewarded. The French generally eat smaller portions than Americans, and they usually enjoy only one large meal a day — lunch — whereas Americans often enjoy three. Of utmost importance to them was to harvest shallots, radishes and leeks (the “poor man’s onion,” as my pepere used to say)Hi Linda, Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful traditions of your French family! … I find myself dreaming of 4 pm espressos and trips to the boulangerie more often than you can probably imagine.The truth is, however, that living in France doesn’t have to be the only way that you experience the French lifestyle and culture. Prior to dining among the French, I was unaware of what it meant to eat seasonally.I had no perception of what vegetables and fruits were available in which seasons. Just take a quick stroll somewhere in Paris and you’ll find artistic influences everywhere.
I can tell you that nothing makes me feel more French than taking a scented bubble bath while enjoying a glass of wine!One of the most notable differences between the American lifestyle vs. the French lifestyle is how much reading is still very much a part of daily French life. Read more to learn 10 tips on how you can adopt some daily French habits and practices to incorporate the French way of life, regardless of where you live. Give reverence to mealtimes to recreate French lifestyle. Don’t Eat Alone Even children are taught to take small bites and chew slowly. Slow the eff down! When I’m in France, I take so much pleasure in doing absolutely nothing most days.
It means that you’re taking the time to make sure you look polished and refined before you walk out of the door.The French aren’t flashy people, so you’ll often find them wearing minimalist styles in neutral colors.