Each player has a scoresheet with the numbers 2-12 in rows of red and … Red and yellow go left to right from low to high…. Instead of score sheets, this version comes with 8 larger score boards with dry-erase markers. We do not promote products we do not own or would not buy ourselves.

Each penalty box is worth -5 points at the end of the game. But, I need to substitute something, so we play games… which leads to conversation.The owner of this site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com as well as other retail websites. Qwixx is a quick-playing dice game in which everyone participates, no matter whose turn it is. Qwixx falls into the category of  “Roll and Write Game”… which means that a player rolls the dice, and records a result on a score pad. then the color is removed from the game. You will notice that there are rows of numbers in different colors. You'll be racing to the finish as you quickly roll the dice and mark off the best move gaining the most points all while trying to avoid the penalties that exists. This indicates that the color-row is now locked for all players and numbers of this color cannot be crossed out in future rounds.The die of the corresponding color is immediately removed from the game.If a row is locked during the first action, it is possible that other players may, at the same time, also cross out the number on the extreme right and lock the same color-row. These games deserve it. If you have already crossed off the red 5, you can’t go back to cross off the red 3.Once a player has crossed off 5 numbers in any colored row, they can close the color… this means that if they roll the number on the far right… 12 for red and yellow, 2 for blue and green…. They are 2 sided, so each one can be used twice… but fair warning, if you keep score with a marker, the blots might seep through. Before playing it's important to understand the one basic rule of Qwixx, which is that numbers must be crossed out from left to right in each of the four color-rows. Enter your points for the four color-rows and the minus-points for any penalties in the appropriate fields at the bottom of the scoresheetThe player with the highest total score is the winner.This site is dedicated to promoting board games. If you do then Qwixx is the game for you. Add up how many numbers you were able to cross off in each row… fill in the handy score sheet… subtract 5 points for each time you had to pass… The winner is the person with the highest number of points.Qwixx Delux is the standard Qwixx game… just BIGGER! Then the two actions described on the left are carried out again, one after the other.If you wish to cross out the number at the extreme right end of a color-row (red 12, yellow 12, green 2, blue 2) you must have first crossed out at least five numbers in that row.If you cross out the number on the extreme right, then also cross off the lock symbol directly next to it. Example:In the red row first the 5 and then the 7 were crossed out. Therefore, the red 2, 3, 4 and 6 may not be crossed out later in the game. You just don’t need to get combinations of runs or pairs.I’ve banned phones from the dinner table… and that includes at restaurants. Each player gets a score sheet. That makes this a great game for keeping everyone engaged … even when waiting their turn.Each player gets a score sheet. The game, designed for two to five players, is a race to accumulate the highest score while locking out sections of the scorepad. These players must also have previously crossed out at least five numbers in that row.The cross on the lock counts toward the total number of crosses marked in that color-row.The game ends immediately as soon as either someone has marked a cross in his fourth penalty box or as soon as two dice have been removed from the game (two color-rows have been locked).It may occur (during the first action) that a third row is locked simultaneously with the second row.Beneath the four color-rows is a table indicating how many points are awarded for how many crosses within each row (including any locks marked with a cross).Each crossed out penalty box scores five minus-points. Blue and green go high to low.What makes this tricky is that it has to go left to right. If you play a LOT at home, this is the set for you.Qwixx BIG Points is a new variation on the Qwixx game. In the yellow row only the 11 a… What makes Qwixx a fun roll and write, is that everyone has a chance to score, even if it’s not their turn to roll. (The non-active players do not take a penalty if they choose not to cross out a number).Once all players are ready, the player to the left becomes the new active player and re-rolls all six dice. Qwixx is a dice game using four colored dice and two white dice. So for red and yellow, you are looking for low numbers initially… while blue and green want high. There’s an extra line of numbers between the red and yellow line.. and again between the blue and green lines. I think games like this are very helpful when a family has to wait for something, like, as you say, for a meal in a restaurant.