For example, interviewees advised that several post-IEBM initiatives to integrate new modules and complementary databases that were not originally within the IEBM project scope include Contract Data Management System data for Aboriginal-related procurement; and environmental modules such as Species at Risk, environmental assessment, Greenhouse Gas emissions, energy consumption and a DRMIS-integrated asbestos inventory.
Initiative 101 and 102 focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and examining alternative energy options. Future DRMIS updates are expected to include new modules to integrate these data sources.The reporting requirements include: environmental assessments; National Pollutant Release Inventory; Halocarbon Management; Polychlorinated Biphenyl Holdings; Waste Water; Defence Environmental Enforcement Actions; Environmental Petitions Process; Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory and Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan; and the Species at Risk Act.Mandatory federal reporting requirements include: Annual reporting on uptake and compliance with the Government’s Approach to Modern Treaty Implementation; Quarterly reporting for ongoing treaty implementation activities through the Modern Treaty Management Environment; and performance objectives related to the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business.Key informants advised that there is a request from the IAS for a DRMIS module to capture all Contract Data Management System data and eliminate redundancy.ADM(IE) Concept of Operations – Environmental Support to DND Real Property Management, June 1, 2016Transformation Initiative #28 – “Develop IE HR and workforce strategic management plan”.VFA is a set of software products used for capital asset management. Develop a Governance Framework as a guide to ensure that ADM(IE) is effectively managing its real property assets. Detailed notes were taken during the interviews and then transcribed and analyzed according to research themes. The Department is made up of eight branches: Interview participants advised that data reliability concerns are affecting ADM(IE) Level Two organizations and committees’ ability to incorporate data into decision making. Forty-eight percent of questionnaire respondents stated that the data in DRMIS is often incomplete, incorrect, or out of date. A comprehensive document review was conducted as part of the conduct phase of the evaluation, focusing on aspects of informed decision making. Anecdotal, experiential, and “gut feeling” information was also mentioned as a component of decision making by interviewees and questionnaire respondents. This should include information on the leveraging of planned and collected data, through the use of tailored business analytic processes to inform infrastructure management and investment decisions, fully identifying and considering linked environmental and indigenous considerations.1.
However, the centralized ADM(IE) Group continues to undergo transformation and outcomes may not yet be fully realized. Other data not included in DRMIS includes Species at Risk, Green House Gas Emissions, Environmental Assessment, and Contract Data Management System for Aboriginal procurement purposes.
These issues, in addition to reported concerns with the availability and content of training to use the new data management tools, have fostered data reliability concerns among staff which has negatively impacted the ADM(IE) Group’s ability to exploit data and conduct comprehensive analysis.Use of Data for Decision Making: Within the ADM(IE) Group, relevant available data has been used for project prioritization and integrated resource planning by some divisions and committees to support decision making.