84%. Owen Astrachan of Duke University and Peter Denning of the Naval Postgraduate School were each recognized for their outstanding efforts to revitalize undergraduate computing education in the United States. Students are given a terse explanation of a problem and several non-exhaustive test cases.This report focuses on the needs of computer science from the first two years of college mathemat...This report focuses on the needs of computer science from the first two years of college mathematics instruction. I get to my office and go through email to see if there are any "must answer now" messages. In this paper a problem is presented that has many real-world instances and which is pedagogically attractive at all levels of Computer Science from the level of a non-major's course to that of an advanced algorithms course.Abstract Text books, including books for general audiences, invariably mention bubble sort in dis...Abstract Text books, including books for general audiences, invariably mention bubble sort in discussions of elementary sorting algorithms. The goal of the workshop was, first, to explain the approach to the participants and, second, to ask the participants for their reactions to and suggestions about our course. This paper is more an historical analysis than a philosophical treatise for the exclusion of bubble sort from books and courses.Abstract We are concerned about a view in undergraduate computer science education, especially in...Abstract We are concerned about a view in undergraduate computer science education, especially in the early courses, that it's okay to be math-phobic and still prepare oneself to become a computer scientist.Abstract The Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science program is intended to reflect enough of a ...Abstract The Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science program is intended to reflect enough of a common core of a first semester or year of university-level computer science so that placement or credit can be awarded for work done before college. Owen Astrachan, a professor of computer science and a friend, once told me, "I teach in slogans." I think about what I'll be teaching in my next class and whether I have to develop anything for that.

I make sure I have room to read new stuff online.Practice listening and helping groups come to a consensus. 2.5. It is a book that adopts and exploits the best features of C++ in studying programming, program design and construction, and computer science.Abstract We report on the successful use of small programming assignments that augment a just-in-...Abstract We report on the successful use of small programming assignments that augment a just-in-time approach to teaching programming, and problem solving in the first year of computer science. We trace the history of bubble sort, its popularity, and its endurance in the face of pedagogical assertions that code and algorithmic examples used in early courses should be of high quality and adhere to established best practices. Office: LSRC D341 Office Hours: Wednesday 3-4:30 PM Friday 3-4:30 PM Email: ilkhechi AT cs.duke.edu "You are capable of much more than you're doing now, you can do more. Would take again. Rate Professor Astrachan. I often invented excuses, but eventually I paid them.Wanted to change the world by teaching high school math.Discovered that teaching is a tough job, very rewarding but tough.Learned that computer science has lots to offer, spent a summer at CMU learning this.Went to graduate school to merge my vocation and my avocation.Figured out that teaching is teaching, but teaching college is a little different.Was very fortunate: right place at the right time for being a teaching professor.Became comfortable teaching a room of 20 and a room of 200 students. My road in life took a while to figure out. The emphasis in these assignments is on algorithmic problem-solving rather than on object-oriented design and programming. Professor in the Computer Science department at Duke University. The goal of the workshop was, first, to explain the approach to the participants and, second, to ask the participants for their reactions to and suggestions about our course. While the authors have all been involved in computer science curriculum design in the past, this report does not represent the position of any official ACM or IEEE sanctioned curriculum committee.Abstract The use of real world problems as the basis for assignments in Computer Science courses ...Abstract The use of real world problems as the basis for assignments in Computer Science courses is attractive for many reasons. ... Email us or submit a letter to the editor. Teams of programmers from all over the world were registering to compete in the rst global (as far as the authors are aware) programming contest to be held on the Internet.In May 1993, 80 CS faculty horn around the country participated in an NSF-funded workshop at Broo...In May 1993, 80 CS faculty horn around the country participated in an NSF-funded workshop at Brooklyn College to consider a particular theme-based approach in a non-traditional computer literacy course. It is a book that adopts and exploits the best features of C++ in studying programming, program design and construction, and computer science.Abstract We report on the successful use of small programming assignments that augment a just-in-...Abstract We report on the successful use of small programming assignments that augment a just-in-time approach to teaching programming, and problem solving in the first year of computer science. Milestones. 101.01, Tu/Th 10:05-11:20 in B101 LSRC with Prof. Owen Astrachan 101.02, Tu/Thu 1:25-2:40 in B101 LSRC with Prof. Kristin Stephens-Martinez Professor: Owen Astrachan I'm Professor AstrachanSubmit a Correction. It's hard to work by yourself, get used to collaborating and working on common goals with others.Push yourself to go further than you think you can. Get better at talking in groups, pay attention to what those around you are doing and saying. Laptops were wide open, creating a sea of screens that lit up the theater as students waited for Owen Astrachan, professor of the practice of computer science, to begin the first lecture.