EDUCAUSE will not cover any additional costs such as travel and lodging expenses, online tools, assessments, books, or other presentation materials.) If you have not already done so, renew your ISoP membership for 2019 before you register for ACoP10 to receive the discounted member rate. EDUCAUSE provides a variety of professional development experiences, both face-to-face and online, that address the networking and learning needs of the higher education IT community.EDUCAUSE professional development programs deliver both forward-thinking innovative solutions as well as practical, tangible ideas to handle campus challenges and identify opportunities.Additional programs target specific skills and issues:Use these tools to identify the professional development activities that are right for you:Subscribe to our emails and hear about the latest trends and new resources.EDUCAUSE strives to make its conferences and events accessible for all registrants. Digital Transformation: It’s Time. Registration for ACoP10 (October 20 - 23, 2019) as well as ACoP9 Pre-conference (October 20, 2019) will open on June 1, 2019. In the context of sweeping social, economic, technological, and demographic changes, digital transformation (Dx) is a series of deep and coordinated culture, workforce, and technology shifts that enable new educational and operating models and transform an institution’s operations, strategic directions, and value proposition. Esports in schools is at the confluence of the some of the most important drivers in education. Sum sociis natoque penatibus et magni Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. EDUCAUSE Annual Conference “The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference calls together the best thinking in higher education IT to become even better at what we do. Financial assistance is available to help with your professional development. EDUCAUSE strives to make its conferences and events accessible for all registrants.

There are numerous war stories of remote servers going down leaving administrators to guess at the problem, or even unaware that there is a problem, force the test to be either re-administered or thrown out entirely.Whether for k-12 standards compliance or higher education mid-terms and finals, online testing requires high speed, low latency networking, device management, and network analytics to ensure the best possible testing experience.

Extreme Control makes sure that only the right devices and students are connected to the network. Every state has its own way of calculating the registration fee on a vehicle, and those calculations typically take several factors into account. The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) is a collaborative community committed to advancing learning through IT innovation.

These include student engagement, recruiting, and retention; blending online and offline campus experiences, and preparing students for future careers.As enterprises scale digital business initiatives, they must balance refreshing equipment and expanding capacity, while improving agility and maintaining uptime in their data center networks.Download the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Networking to identify which vendors best fit your requirements.Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Our Extreme Analytics helps locate any issues that come up relative to the remotely-served test.

Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.We can help with our expert guidance on products, solutions, and services.Sign up for a demo today and receive a $10 gift card onsite once you complete your demo!Learn how Extreme Elements can be pieced together to help meet learning outcomes and K-12 environmental goals such as flawlessly executing high-stakes, technology based testing.Online testing involves large numbers of students simultaneously taking a remotely-served test on a local wireless device. Sum sociis natoque penatibus et magni Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. These include student engagement, recruiting, and retention; blending online and offline campus experiences, and preparing students for future careers.Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

Below is a quick guide to just some of the ways ELI's content and resources can help make your job easier and examples of how you can engage in ELI. Please see the special needs section of the face-to-face and online registration forms to request additional services as needed. This is where professionals and technology providers from around the world gather to network, share ideas, grow professionally, and discover solutions to today’s challenges. Join us at EDUCAUSE 2019 to learn more about open, software-driven educational networking solutions that are agile, adaptive, and secure to enable the digital transformation of education and improve learning outcomes. Explore professional development opportunities to advance your knowledge and career.

With digital transformation and the transition to the smart campus, the need for hyper-reliable, easily-managed network infrastructure has never been greater in higher education.Join us at EDUCAUSE 2019 to learn more about open, software-driven educational networking solutions that are agile, adaptive, and secure to enable the digital transformation of education and improve learning outcomes.By submitting this form, you are registering for a demo.In the National Football League technology plays a significant role in ensuring the game day experience for fans is quality...Extreme has earned the designation of the Official Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Analytics Provider of the National Football League, including 11 NFL venues using our stadium Wi-Fi technology and an additional 17 NFL teams using our Wi-Fi analytics technology. Early-bird registration will be June 1, 201 9 to July 31, 2019. Esports in schools is at the confluence of the some of the most important drivers in education. Register Now. For example, say your annual car registration fee is based on a formula that charges: $2 per 100 pounds of vehicle weight, $1 … As of May 2019, the range for vehicle registration costs in the 45 states with a fixed cost was between $8 and $225.

by Diana Oblinger; August 10, 2020; In Print Digital transformation can help higher education meet three unavoidable challenges ahead: mounting financial pressures, changes in the college experience, and ongoing uncertainty.