It is a solemn thing to meddle with that which peculiarly belongs to God — human life. Besides, note this: their “share” (portion) is in the lake of fire (it IS the second death). (But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.Unbelieving `faithless ' Unbelieving - `faithless. 'Abominable - having drunk the harlot's 'cup of abominations. Is not the little finger of an angry God heavier than the loins of all the tyrants and persecutors in the world?Note, 2. Revelation 21:8(NASB) Verse Thoughts In His gospel John tells us that those who believe in Christ are not condemned, but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the only begotten Son of God. (5) Fornicators point to a sin which is awfully prevalent. Its fire is never exhausted. (8) Liars can never be pleasing to God.

(3) The abominable should be understood here in its widest sense as denoting all that is morally, religiously, and physically filthy ((4) Murderers as a class are greatly on the increase. Death was the appointed penalty under the law for those who practised spiritualism in those days ((7) Idolaters. Sorcerers is from PHARMAKENS, and Thayer's lexicon defines it, "one who prepares or uses magical remedies; a sorcerer." There is a high and holy fear in which the Christian passes the time of his sojourn here ((2) The characters cast into the brimstone lake-- 21:8.Here was the pronouncement of doom on all classes of the persecutors and all parties and accomplices to the persecutions, implying also a warning to any among the overcomers against falling into any of this catalog of things condemned.It is said that all of these classes of promoters of evil practices would be cast into the brimstone lake. (22-27) Commentary on Revelation 21:1-8 ) (9-21) Its perfect happiness, as enlightened with the presence of God and the Lamb, and in the free access of multitudes, made holy.

The fearful are those who run when the battle is joined. The countless millions of heathen in the past, in the present, and notably in the future are, where God has been given up and idols turned to, given over to eternal judgment.
All worshippers of other gods. Revelation 21:4(NASB) Verse Thoughts Weeping, we are told by the Lord, shall endure for a night - and the welling tear-drops that have blurred our vision and the floods of tears that have dampened our pillows will one day be wiped away. (2) Unbelief is the result of spiritual wickedness.

That although eight sorts of sinners only are here reckoned up, yet all others who live and die impenitently in any known sin, besides these, of what kind soever, are certainly included, and their damnation implied also, as well as these: for whoever lives in the habitual practice of any known sin, without converting from from it unto God, is certainly in a state of damnation.Note lastly, That the sins here mentioned must not be understood copulatively, but disjunctively; we must not suppose that such as are guilty of all the before-mentioned sins, are the persons threatened with hell-fire; but such as are with allowance guilty of any one of these, or of any other besides these, and continuing impenitently in them. ‘But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and those who involve themselves in the occult, and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
Man can be born again of the Spirit. This definition or explanation is justified by the next word in the text, namely, the unbeiieving.

This lake which burneth with (1) The fearful, or cowardly, refers to those who were afraid to confess Christ or identify themselves with the Gospel. (7) Idolaters give the glory that should belong to the Creator to the creation. But the fearful, and the unfaithful, and the abominable, signifies those who are in no faith, and in no charity, and thence in evils of every kind. God cannot allow any place in heaven for those that practice these things. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament It is a word that would have a general meaning, hence the apostle follows up with a number of specifications. Hence Paul declares in In the last pair the idolaters are the species, liars the genus: Finding the new version too difficult to understand?