Below you’ll find a complete guide / dictionary for the terms in ballet you need to know.Allégro refers to all fast or brisk steps and movements. Soutenu is a term in ballet that refers to a dancer turning in a sub-sous or fifth position en pointe, and ultimately ending up with the opposite foot in front. Arabesque One of the basic poses in ballet. For example, a jeté battu would mean that the dancer would beat their legs once before landing in a coupéBeats are basically the same as the ballet term “battu” where a ballet dancer can make a jump more difficult by adding beats.Bras is a classical term that translates to “arms.” You’ll typically hear this term used in conjunction with other ballet terms.A balletomane is a term used to describe avid ballet fans and enthusiast. During this movement, a dancers supporting leg is slowly bent in fondu with the working foot pointing on the ankle. allonge an extra piece of paper added to a bill of exchange to allow indorsements to be made. If a dancer sickles an When done at the barre en demi-pointe to switch sides, only half a turn is done instead of a full turn, and the foot does not extend out into tendu. A double cabriole is usually done by men in classical ballet.Cambré is a classical ballet term that is defined as “arched.” When ballet dancers are doing Cambré, they are bending their bodies from the waist and stretching backward or sideways. You’ll commonly hear pas being used for almost any step that involves the transfer of weight. In ballet, a tempo in which the dancer moves slowly and gracefully. ALLONGE, French law. A dance duet, usually performed by a female and a male dancer. A pas de valse is done individually by female dancers, or sometimes with a partner. Time Traveler for allonge. adroll_language = "en_US"; (Italian) A principal female who dances using the 5 foot positions to create a visual artwork. In ballet it is a position of the body, in profile, supported on one leg, which can be straight or demi-plié, with the other leg extended behind and at right angles to it, and the arms held in various harmonious positions creating the longest possible line from the fingertips to the toes. A dance that is focused on a single pair of partnering dancers is a In the Cecchetti and French schools, this may be referred to as a A jump where the leading leg extends forward through A jump where the legs are successively brought to attitude derrière instead of retiré.
In the Cecchetti method, the specifically indicates a spring from fifth position while raising one foot to One big step, followed by two little steps, that can be done in a circle. Allongé is a term used to describe a position that is stretched or made longer. BALLET TERMS DEFINITION A la seconde One of eight directions of the body, in which the foot is placed in second position and the arms are outstretched to second position. There are two different versions of the balloné, at 45 degrees, it is called a petit balloné and at 90 degrees it is a grande balloné.Ballotté is a term in ballet for a set that consists of a coupé dessous performed in sequence with a rocking, swinging movement. A promenade is a term in ballet that is when a dancer turns on a single leg while the standing leg’s heel is on the floor. In chemistry, an allonge is a dated French term for a separatory column. A pas de couru is a moving step used to prepare for a grandé allegro or grandé jeté. For example, “Fifth en Haut.”A Jeté is ballet term for a jump where the dancer extends one leg and then jumps off the floor with the other. Saut de basque refers to a traveling jump by a ballet dancer where they turn in the air with a single leg in a retire position. In grand battement, it’s important that a dancer keep both legs straight while the body remains still.A petit battement is a ballet term used to describe a small beating action of the leg or foot.A battement arrondi is defined as a “rounded battement.” The battement arrondissement is a step when the dancer’s toes of a working foot move in a semi-circle in the air, at about 45 degrees from the front to back, or back to front.
Take a look below at the Alphabetical list of most of the Ballet Terms Pronunciation Definitions. Allongé. These movements are typically done after warmup and closer toward the last part of class to avoid injury, and to maximize a dancers range while warmed up.Abstract ballet are ballets without a plot unlike the Nutcracker, Swan Lake, etc. Écarté is when ballet dancer is facing their entire body into one of the two front corners and their face in the other. A glissade is a small jump in ballet that is used to link other steps together. Double and triple frappés involve tapping the foot (flexed or pointed) at both cou-de-pied devant (or wrapped) and derrière before extending out. Take a look below at the Alphabetical list of most of the Ballet Terms Pronunciation Definitions. Barker/Kostrovitskaya: 101 Lessons in Classical Ballet - 1977Grant, Gail. There are several different versions of arabesque such as first, second, and third arabesque. It is done when a dancer turns in the air in a coupe position.