Read on to find out.The hardy bamboo varieties of Fargesia are native understory plants found in the mountains of China under pines and along streams. Bamboos grow in summer, and warm temperatures help spark and support this growth. Tropical bamboos that love sun and humidity, such as members of … By continuing to use our site you agree to our Thriving in full sun to partial shade, Seabreeze Bamboo is one of the most popular bamboo varieties for privacy … Some kinds will survive winter as far north as USDA cold-hardiness zone 5. Sign up for our newsletter.

The figures used below come courtesy of the Bamboo Garden website. We only sell stabilized hardy bamboo plants ready to grow in your landscape. Seabreeze Bamboo, also known as Bambusa Malingensis, is often chosen for its cold hardy properties as it is viable down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. These cold tolerant bamboos create gorgeous evergreen hedges in shade to partial shaded locations. Most bamboo species that tolerate colder climates are running types that spread extensively and rapidly through their rhizome system. Obviously, the weather there is consistently mild and, thus, the cold tolerance of bamboo plants is nil. The following are bamboo that should have little or no damage when exposed to the listed temperatures for a short period of time. Some bamboos are cold hardy down to -15 degrees Fahrenheit. In growing zones that have winter temperatures below that, bamboo also grows very well in containers. Note that the inclusion of a plant on this list does not mean that the plant's above-ground growth will necessarily survive the sub-zero temperatures of winter. The one-inch shoots will grown up to about 20 feet in height. Until recently, only a couple of species of Fargesia have been available.

Cold hardy to at least -10º F, even down to -25º with proper mulching. F. rufa ‘Oprins Selection’ (or Green Panda), is another clumping, cold hardy and heat tolerant bamboo.

Bamboo is popular and people have it for many reasons. Our selection includes only the most cold hardy bamboo, some which can tolerate temperatures as low as -10°F. It can … Today, there are a number of hardy bamboo varieties in the genus Fargesia that have the highest cold tolerance for bamboo plant cultivars. F. robusta (or ‘Pingwu’) is an upright bamboo with a clumping habit and, like the previous bamboo, handles the heat and humidity of the Southeastern United States. 503-647-2700. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. In other words, these tropical plants that are But the roots will, in fact, survive. 21 September, 2017. ‘Pingwu’ will do well in USDA zones 6-9. Use this guide if you experience winter low temps of 5 º F or less. Growing Bamboo in the North. Fargesia bamboos grow to a height of 8-16 feet tall, depending upon the variety and are all clumping bamboos that do no spread more that 4-6 inches per year. It’s also a bit more cold resistant than ordinary water bamboo, hardy down to -10º F. Phyllostachys bissetii: Very dense growing, with a thick bushy canopy, and very cold hardy. Winds or prolonged cold spells can cause more significant damage to culms and foliage. The numbers in parentheses indicate the lowest temperature (Fahrenheit) that they can survive; use this number to rank the plants for cold-hardiness: Choose the planting spot carefully. The Phyllostachys group of bamboo plants is also quite hardy. They will grow almost anywhere in the United States, including the southern to southeast climactic zones where it is very hot and humid.With these new varieties of cold hardy bamboos, everyone can bring a little piece of paradise into their home garden.Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Here are some cold-hardy examples from that genus: Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. It grows to 10 feet and is hardy to USDA zones 5-9. When I think of bamboo, I recall the virtual forest of bamboo on a Hawaiian vacation. What are some cold weather bamboo varieties suitable for the colder USDA zones? Clumping bamboo has shorter rhizomes that spread slowly. This website occasionally uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. To grow bamboo plants in northern climates, you need to find one of the cold-hardy bamboo plants. Cold hardy bamboos are capable of adding tropical beauty to almost any climate zone.

To grow bamboo plants in northern climates, you need to find one of the cold-hardy bamboo plants. 8 Best Ornamental Grasses to Add Privacy to the Garden

Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Some kinds will survive winter as far north as The Best Bamboo For Cold Temperatures Seabreeze. Bamboo is an ornamental grass that grows in a variety of different climates. Our plants are not tender greenhouse or freshly dug bamboo.

Since most of us don’t live in such a paradise, growing cold hardy bamboo plants is a necessity. The following are some examples. Seabreeze Bamboo is best known for its privacy screening and cold hardy qualities. The Fargesias are among the most cold-hardy.