Simple Butterfly House Plans – Overview Cut two boards 5″ x1 2″ for the front and back (A). An example of each is shown in figure 2-1.

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x�b```b``Uc`e``�� �� ,@Q� L� 0000003422 00000 n 0 This roof form comes in all shapes, angles and sizes and is also called a ‘V roof’, among other names. 0000008584 00000 n 0000004746 00000 n 0000002421 00000 n the roof are able to be the same depth as the typical floor framing spans (23 ft long with a 10 ft spacing) while maintaining overall material economy. 0000003840 00000 n Skillion Roof. Metal Shed Roof Green Metal Roofing Steel Roofing Roofing Shingles Corrugated Roofing Modern Roofing Roof Architecture Architecture Details Sustainable Architecture. 1379 0 obj<> endobj

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0000005143 00000 n 0000008138 00000 n ft. 58’ 11” x 60’ 1’ building ORIGIN 1900 2-3 BED 2-3 BATH 1,900 SQ. 0000004356 00000 n 0000004427 00000 n THE MANSARD ROOF 106 0 obj <> endobj xref 106 23 xref It is the form most commonly used by %PDF-1.5 %���� 0000002402 00000 n h�b```a``Nc`e`ț� ̀ �@16�,G��d�� �� T|��M����^���b ز(���l.��E;��]��\Ң���X\�OA�K/�)����~Y���t�ԩ1"}�"l�C#��9�*_pun��m�L��a�!#�(�"Y�c����E0�)^�Ö�RǘFgN�).�l���5�Θ�gN�Q���z�E�hdQ����BA���9Ǧ��S�~�����Ť5,fY��@��`@���E��l@�B�!���μ@�: 1381 0 obj<>stream 0000000016 00000 n The roof framing is a 3 in. 0000018158 00000 n 0000002876 00000 n 0000003975 00000 n 0000009295 00000 n painted metal roof deck spanning 10 ft on center between beams. startxref

0000000795 00000 n Butterfly roofs have been around longer but came into their own in the middle part of the last century, as one of many visible and iconic symbols of modernist architecture. butterfly roof construction detail. The most commonly used types of pitched roof construction are the gable, the hip, the intersecting, and the shed (or lean-to). FT. 41’ x 49’ BUILDING AREA 0000003314 00000 n � 0000009393 00000 n A skillion roof, on the other hand, is a flat roof that has a more obvious pitch for water … on each side of the roof are cancelled out. 0000002563 00000 n in a roof that is significantly unsymmetrical or mono-pitched, alterna-tive means of catering for the horizontal thrust may have to be found. 0000019867 00000 n 0000053887 00000 n ��`4g�b%�kT�ٍ�:x:d��&�A���i���q+�4W)�/���=^(�:`4�c5`9`��Q�I�i� XB�d06�Ҍ@� � ���� endstream endobj 107 0 obj <>>> endobj 108 0 obj ]>> 0000003803 00000 n Cut 45-degree angle cuts for the roof top, see drawing above for details. 0000004242 00000 n 0000003888 00000 n

0000003937 00000 n trailer Butterfly roofs were usually concealed on the front façade of the building, by a parapet which blocked the two half gables and the gutter. 0000006578 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� breezehouse 2100 - butterfly roof 3-4 bed 3 bath 2,140 sq. 0000001463 00000 n 0000000756 00000 n 0000001349 00000 n 0000007228 00000 n 0000029737 00000 n

On the rear façade, 'butterfly' roofs were often left visible, with the wall following the 'V' shape of the roof forming an interesting pattern crowning the back of the terrace. Gable A gable roof has a ridge at the center and slopes in two directions. �"��E�$�B��d6�r�8|�pm=!b0��� �w1�SY��4;�

0000009493 00000 n ��:4���APHII���QPPPII�L300B�cg����|ZZP'kd��[ZZ��o jR�h�6P���p �V6� YCZ 0000011233 00000 n trailer <<19D522ABAB0948858E3A828C000DD472>]/Prev 3357223>> startxref 0 %%EOF 128 0 obj <>stream Tel: +31 (0)495 455700 Fax: +31 (0)495 455790 E-mail: [email protected] VAT No. NedZink B.V. Postbus 2135, 6020 AC Budel. 0000001331 00000 n 0000002374 00000 n 0000007143 00000 n The last post described the main roof area as a butterfly roof. B 1 Cut roofs DETAIL B 1.1.2 Spans DETAIL B 1.1 .1 Transfer of load Where raised ceiling ties are used in a roof, the roof must Hoofdstraat 1 6024 AA Budel-Dorplein. : NL-003219203.B01

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