The Commission is responsible for preparing land use and planning studies; land development ordinances for consideration by the Board of Supervisors; approves subdivision applications; advises the Board of Supervisors on rezoning requests and other zoning map changes.

© City of Columbus, Indiana James D. Lienhoop, Mayor City Hall, 123 Washington St., Columbus, IN 47201 (812) 376-2550 | TTD: Call 711 The Durham City-County Planning Department is committed to excellent public service and enhancing the quality of life in Durham by guiding its growth and preserving its cultural heritage and natural resources. The Columbus Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the City of Columbus and Bartholomew County as designated by the Governor of Indiana. The Planning Department also provides zoning and subdivision control administration services for the Town of Hartsville and the Edinburgh / Bartholomew / Columbus Joint … City County Planning Department is listed under the Government Offices City Village and Township locations category which falls under the larger Legislative Bodies category of government offices, partners, and services on's directory.
The City Planning Department is charged with developing and enforcing city land use and planning regulations and collecting all building and development fees for projects within the city limits. The DSC is a collaboration between City-County Planning, City-County Inspections, and City Public Works. The DSC provides a central place to ask questions and get answers about all things development-related:Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience.Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next optionDurham County Government is closing most offices to the public effective Monday, March 23, 2020. The Lincoln/Lancaster County Planning Department provides technical information and advice to elected and appointed boards and citizens on managing the growth and development of Lincoln and Lancaster County to be efficient, orderly, and attractive, facilitate economic opportunities, and conserve natural and cultural resources. CAMPO is responsible for the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Columbus Metropolitan Planning Area.The mission of the Planning Department is (1) to assist the development community and the public in interpreting and applying land use regulations and processes, (2) to provide land use and development information to local officials and the public, (3) to facilitate public discussion of development, land use, and other community issues.The following link provides an overview of the Planning Department, the Comprehensive Plans, and Zoning and Subdivision Control regulations: The City of Columbus – Bartholomew County Planning Department provides both long-range community planning and current development review services for the City of Columbus and Bartholomew County.
Citizens interested in serving on a County Board or Commission … Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In The Plumas County Planning Department provides citizens of Plumas County the guidance to develop property following the guidelines set forth in the Plumas County General Plan. The Commission is empowered by the Code of Virginia. Their address is 510 North 28th St Floor 4 in Billings, Montana (59101). All James City County departments and agencies. City of Tillamook Planning The City of Tillamook Planning and Building Department is located just inside the Laurel Avenue entrance of Tillamook City Hall, 210 Laurel Ave, Tillamook, OR 97141. To read the detailed release about the closing, visit our news section at This site has been developed to provide information regarding land use and development requirements administered by the Planning and Building Services Departments.