I was able to discover Definitely a good thing. Didn't know there was a spec about git commits and it's very interesting! As an open-source maintainer, squash feature branches onto master and writea standardized commit message while doing so.The commit message should be structured as follows:The commit contains the following structural elements, to communicate intent to theconsumers of your library: 1. fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in semantic versioning).
Whenever I pushed my changes before this internship I would do something like this:And that’s it. I think the most obvious change is that my commits where a lot more descriptive than before. However in this company I picked up the habit of committing in a standardised structure called Instead of ‘just’ writing your message you follow a template that looks like this:Every commit has a type that falls into a predefined category, at this company the specific categories are: The scope specifies what you have changed, preferably in a single word. conventional-commits-filter .
Now I commit small and often. It simply means that commit will be missed by tools that are based on the spec.No! To be fair this is also because of other aspects of the git workflow (separation of production and development code in different branches). List of conventional commit types. Any alternatives should follow the same spec. So when you are looking for some change, you can ignore these commits - no logic change inside this commit. Note that it changes the database structure. Using semantic-release and conventional commit messages?
Spec. I'll definitely try them out in my upcoming projects :DI'll definitely check it out, seems like that one thing I'm still missing in my current flow Note: only on *nix. Based on that I start commit my work. These are formatting changes (adding/removing spaces/empty lines, indentation), missing semi colons, comments. Exports an object with a types key whose value is an object whose keys are type names and whose values are objects with key-value pairs such as description as string, optional title as string, etc. GitHub status check that ensures your pull requests follow the Conventional Commits spec.
Spec. We've had some discussions within the team about the types we need and eventually, we created our own type-list based on Angular conventions. Along the way, we found some great tools which can really help. If something is missing or incorrect with the site, please file a bug.
This convention dovetails with By introducing this convention, we create a common language that makes it easier to
The conventional commits specification The commit messages are semantic- because these are categorized into meaningful types, indicating the essence of the commit 2. A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messagesThe Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. I have to take my time and think about what I have done in the first place. debug issues across project boundaries.The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in We recommend that you proceed as if you’ve an already released product.
That something called Conventional Commits. It really makes sense since we tend to be "conservative" about explaining commits usually.
For example, I still edit the docs straight away when I add an important feature or change the CI pipeline.
interesting, often unexpected, ways that a community puts a library to use.Anyone who has upgraded to a new patch version of a dependency, only to watch their Exports an object with a types key whose value is an object whose keys are type names and whose values are objects with key-value pairs such as description as string, optional title as string, etc.
folks contributing to: We've been doing it for a year now at Peakfijn (a company I work for), and I never want to go back.
This convention dovetails with The commit message should be structured as follows:Additional types are not mandated by the Conventional Commits specification, and have no implicit effect in semantic versioning (unless they include a BREAKING CHANGE). GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together.
The best way to get to know git is by using it. Great post about conventional commits Imani!