Level 2: Reach level 2. Cannot be met in Alt Mode.Finish a 60-minutes Era with at most 4 non-Desert ambassadors and at least 4000 Prosperity. In Reus könnt ihr 29 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. No missable achievements (plus 123 unknown) No guide has been started yet - please help create one as you play! See This trophy is earned by completing 18 of the twenty-four Level 3 Developments.
Level 2 Erreiche Level 2. tips@ps3t.org: Home News. See World Economy for more details. The developments are broken down as follows: three Level 0, sixteen Level 1, twenty-six Level 2, and twenty-four Level 3. This is one of the four most difficult trophies in the game, and it can take several goes to get this down. As we know from the Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick. This trophy is earned once you complete a game round meeting or exceeding 1000 prosperity. Complete eight level 1 developments. See This trophy is earned by completing 6 of the twenty-four Level 3 Developments. Fourteen ambassadors means that you have completed all level 1, 2 and 3 projects that can award an ambassador. Complete all the level 1 developments. Many may find this challenge to be the most difficult of the four as Forest biomes are often Technology and Wealth starved. See This trophy is earned by completing 12 Developments out of the possible 69 available. About News/updates FAQs Terms/privacy Find us on Discord Steam Reus achievement guide & roadmap Properties . It all depends on which challenge you're going for.
This challenge is considered the easiest as Swamp is the best for Awe generation. For this guide, it is assumed you will have six villages when attempting this trophy.
The Challenges at the very bottom of the Developments tab in-game are not included in the aforementioned 69 Developments. These projects start about 5 minutes after a village has complete a level 2 project.
It is recommended to focus on the level 0-2 developments first, before tackling the level 3s.
Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.Guide mit Schwächen, Crafting-Material, Quest-Belohnungen, Fundorten und Kampftipps zu den Monstern und Drachenältesten. This trophy should come naturally as you work to complete all 69 developments as well as the Gold challenges. PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation VR PSN Vita Japanese Game Sessions. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.In Reus könnt ihr 29 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten.
This is one of the four most difficult trophies in the game, and it can take several goes to get this down. These projects start about 5 minutes after a village has completed the level 3 prerequisite projectThey vary based on the tile biome you have the level 3 project.To earn this trophy, you must complete all eight level 4 projects. The remaining villages do not matter. It is recommended to focus on the level 0-2 developments first, before tackling the level 3s. If you are interested in helping to create one, please post in this thread or fill out this application . Do not worry about level 4 projects as they typically take a while to earn and take a lot of focus. See This trophy is earned by completing 12 of the twenty-four Level 3 Developments. Sort: One Giant Accomplishment: Complete all trophies. For example, if you need to get These projects start about 5 minutes after a village has completed the level 1 prerequisite project (See for more information). You should aim to have all 14 Ambassadors by the 48/50 minute mark.