inhibit gastric motility when there is chyme in the small intestine. What has occurred within her stomach to lead to this condition? ... Quizlet Live. low pH) of the duodenal contents due to excess gastric acid. It is a feedback mechanism to regulate the rate at which partially digested food (chyme) leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine.

Hormonal feedback – the stimulus – mainly fats in the duodenum hormones: GIP, CCK – a competitive inhibitor of the gastrin . b. is stimulated by the presence of chyme in the duodenum. Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. Help. All but one of the following is true in regards to the previous statement. Select all that apply.The _____ glands secrete a watery liquid with salivary amylase but no mucus.Fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K are transported across the mucosa in tiny spheres called ______.Which of the following are true regarding the peritoneum? Choose the enzyme(s) that break(s) down fats. The short reflexes in the digestive system are stimulated by _____. Stretch receptors detect duodenal distension and chemoreceptors detect fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids in duodenum. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

The enterogastric reflex _____. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about Chap 17 Study Guide and True False.

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A nervous reflex whereby stretching of the wall of the duodenum results in inhibition of gastric motility and reduced rate of emptying of the stomach. a. Stomach b. Duodenum c. Ileum d. Flashcards. Enterogastric Reflex: is triggered by baroreceptors (arrival of chyme stretches the receptors) and chemoreceptors (pH change in the arrival of chyme) in the duodenum. stratified squamous epithelium which helps protect against friction; simple columnar epithelium which provides secretion and some protection.b. Start studying Ch 25 part 1. The luminal layer is the _______ .To maintain homeostasis, where are excess dietary calories stored in the body? e. is the result of parasympathetic stimulation. Which layer of the alimentary canal was ulcerated?The capillaries that nourish the epithelium and absorb digested nutrients lie in the ___________Some antacid drugs block histamine receptors, resulting in reduction of the production and excretion of stomach acid. Select the one answer that is NOT true.The sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold the digestive tract in place are called __________Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the liver?Which hormone primarily stimulates pancreatic bicarbonate secretion (and enzyme secretion, to a lesser extent)?
The defecation reflex occurs when the internal anal sphincter relaxes and the external anal sphincter contracts. Chief cells c. Mucous cells d. Gastrin cells ANS: A REF: 433 2. Medical definition of enterogastric reflex: reflex inhibition of the emptying of the stomach's contents through the pylorus that occurs when the duodenum is stimulated by the presence of irritants, is overloaded, or is obstructed. Receptors in the duodenal wall detect distension of the duodenum caused by the presence of chyme and also raised acidity (i.e. A nervous reflex whereby stretching of the wall of the duodenum results in inhibition of gastric motility and reduced rate of emptying of the stomach. They send signals via the parasympathetic nervous system, causing reflex inhibition of stomach-wall muscles responsible for the stomach emptying.PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE ( a. is stimulated by the presence of chyme in the stomach.

Which of the following statements about the mesentery is INCORRECT? Oxford Reference Once the bolus is turned to chyme and the pyloric sphincter relaxes (opens) what reflex will we have at this time. Select all that apply.All of the following are true of the pancreas EXCEPTA. It is a feedback mechanism to regulate the rate at which partially digested food (chyme) leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine.

The Enterogastric Reflex. Duodenal enteroendocrine cells secrete (CCK) and secretin. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Quick Reference. What is accomplished by the enterogastric reflex? Mobile. When this reflex is stimulated, the release of gastrin from G- cells in the antrum of the stomach is shut off.

Several digestive enzymes are secreted as zymogens because _____. The enterogastric reflex is stimulated by duodenal distension.