PPF's mission objectives are based on Isaiah 58 and Mark 12:29-31.

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Our staff The Jebel Lopit Training Center (JLTC) in Imatong State, SS, provides a platform for training ministry leaders - one heart at a time. We bring crisis relief and spiritual hope to victims of civil war, genocide and religious persecution. Therefore, PPF trains pastors, supports local schools, helps in the construction of ministry buildings, and distributes Bibles and other Christian literature. Help for the persecuted is administered in the form of physical, as well as spiritual support. Persecution Project Foundation - Cotton Tote Bag. Visit Web Site Number of health/hygiene product and/or tools of care (mosquito nets, soap, etc.)

administeredWhat challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback?Describe a recent change in your organization that resulted from feedback. Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) provides active compassion for the persecuted. Use your community to serve their community by joining us in engaging in ACTIVE COMPASSION for the PERSECUTED by spreading the word through this apparel line. GuideStar is Charity Navigator's trusted partner in sharing information on how this organization seeks impact. Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability GuideStar has recognized this organization with a Platinum Seal of Transparency for voluntarily and publicly sharing From its inception, Persecution Project Foundation has endeavored to equip and mobilize the grassroots to take action in support of the persecuted church. When working in a place where the needs are so great, people are grateful for everything Please try again. Persecution Project Foundation receives 4 out of 4 stars from Charity Navigator. Causes: Protestant, Religion. We bring crisis relief and spiritual hope to victims of civil war, genocide and religious persecution. If you wish to share more about this data you may do so below. The Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) was founded in 1997 for the purpose of mobilizing Christians to engage in active compassion for the persecuted. This organization is sharing information on how they communicate with stakeholders to better inform your giving. Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) is engaged in "Active Compassion for the Persecuted." 196 All data for Financial Performance Metrics calculations was provided by Persecution Project Foundation on recent 990s filed with the IRS. Instruction on use & care of the product accompanies each distribution. Please share with this organization: Persecution Project Foundation has been rated by Charity Navigator for 13 years and receives 4 out of 4 stars. Charity Navigator believes collecting feedback from the people an organization serves can make it more effective. The organization is run by Bradford Phillips and has an annual revenue of $3,849,100. from a catalog of over 900 expert recognized metrics or by creating a new metric that best fits their work. Box 1327 Culpeper, VA 22701 (888) 201-5245.

of progress and results they use to pursue their mission. Would you like us to email someone and CC you?

We host regional conferences to encourage pastors & evangelists and equip pastors with ministry tools (motorbikes, Backpack Projectors, etc) to enable them to evangelize other villages & visit & encourage churches. Persecution Project Foundation The Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) was founded for the purpose of mobilizing Christians to engage in Active Compassion for the Persecuted. Get directions, reviews and information for Persecution Project Foundation in Culpeper, VA. Persecution Project Foundation 215 N West St Culpeper VA 22701. In all things, the emphasis is in promoting the Gospel of … P.O. To that end, PPF is involved in distributing relief supplies, such as medical, food, clothing and shelter materials. The ongoing humanitarian embargo has created a major problem of getting spare parts and teams to maintain basic infrastructure to sustain life. To that end, PPF is involved in distributing relief supplies, such as medical, food, clothing and shelter materials. Links. Principal Officer Bradford Phillips. That is why we're partnering with GuideStar by Candid to share Constituent Voice information with you. Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability Company profile page for Persecution Project Foundation including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information Evangelism Wear Your Support.