They poured all their emotion into a song that describes just coming to terms with the end of a relationship.Going through a divorce has a happy side as well, as evidenced by this song by Gwen Stefani. Great group!

seemingly for the fun of it.

Maybe you've finally found the courage to step toward a career you've always dreamed of pursuing. Remember what you've traded in!Several studies suggest that men handle break-ups worse than women do, experiencing anxiety, anger, and depression.Give yourself time to be sad over a broken relationship. This is the perfect “I told you so” song for those who refused to believe that they’re in a bad relationship.You can’t have a song about divorces and breakups without this classic hit by Bonnie Tyler. . The moral of my story is---sometimes it can't hurt to wear our heart on our sleeve ...a little bit. What will you do?Here's a winner's playlist of songs showing a variety of reactions to breakups, broken hearts, and relationship bust ups. She describes feeling empty, and she counts the days since her lover left her.Although she now has the freedom to do anything she wants, her sleeping is interrupted, she's having crying jags, and she's gone to see a doctor to no avail. Climb out of the winda, Linda.You can be lonelier in an unhappy relationship than being single.Parting ways isn't always easy. He didn't even like country music but that song had stuck with him. Right before my husband and I got married about 20 years ago we had broken up. So take that!Miley Cyrus shed her Disney Hannah Montana image like a snake discards its skin. Get ready to rock out—and move on.

Sometimes they just die on the vine, as in this 1994 song by country singer Patty Loveless.She describes a wife who realizes she and her husband have fallen out of love long ago. One the one hand, you might feel happy that you’re finally leaving a marriage that isn’t working out. Come DancingThe Kinks "Come Dancing" by The Kinks was inspired by the older sister of Ray Davies, who would make guys take her out dancing and spend their money on her, only to send them home frustrated with just a … This song by Katy Perry is all about how she eventually woke up to realize that he wasn’t the one for her and she was actually living in a terrible nightmare.This is another one of the songs about divorce that can ring true. Time after time we run into idiots who love breaking hearts.Sinéad O'Connor has really sang that song with deep emotions you can hear and feel the sadness in it.Fiddleman - Glad you enjoyed this. But despite the heartbreak of the divorce, she was still able to find truth and happiness with her new love, Blake Shelton.But maybe I deserve this boy after all that I’ve been throughHonesty is a song about a man and a woman who are about to separate. Let this melancholy melody draw the doubt of out of your heart and turn it into action.Sometimes, the fresh starts aren't the ones you choose for yourself. Look out because she also plans on drinking his rent money, starting fights, and living it up. When Your Relationship Ends, Making Yourself A Playlist Of The Best Breakup Songs About Moving On Can Help Lift Your Mood And Relieve Your Pain.
We hope this playlist helps you through your ordeal. I'm bookmarking this and pinning.

Great list.Aw, man. The man asks the woman to list down what she wants out of the marriage.

Thanks for the kind compliments.Your song hubs must take you so long to compete!

What a great hub. If your ex seems to think that they still know best, then this song is for you. Coldplay (2011) reminisces about how the couple used to be on the same side. And since this is all she has ever wanted out of the marriage, the man tearfully considers all the things he failed to give her.She hardly could believe it, that their love had come to this:Perhaps no other song tackles the idea of divorce as pragmatically as this one. He's a real good guy and has stuck through some very tough times.

Learn to like yourself. We would never think to write songs with words like these back in the 40's and 50's...these were words we kept for diaries and journals. You don't have to take it anymore, and you're resolved for change. She describes a woman who has been left by her lover and was dejected—a hollow shell of a human being:Later, however, the ex-lover returns to find a brand new version of his former sweetheart: strong, full of herself, and more than willing to toss him out:Kellie Pickler wants to rub her ex-boyfriend's face in his mistake.
The song itself may seem naïve and angry, but those are extremely realistic emotions to expect from a teenager whose parents are about to separate.This song was written by ABBA member Bjorn Ulvaeus after separating form his wife and fellow ABBA member, Agnetha Faltskog. In 1960, there were 1 million telephone booths, and by 2000 there were double that number.Prices typically varied by state. (Sigh) Either I didn't say anything or he didn't say anything and there you go.