It was necessary for the trainees to experience and deal with things from the public perspective and so, while we had trained suppport with us, we did not have breathing gear or masks. Being around the right kind of people in a scary situation can most definitely help. I was lucky enough to have a very patient and supportive instructor who on more than one occasion said to me “Fear is temporary, regret is forever” which, without him even realising it, was exactly the kind of mantra that will seriously motivate me to dig deep. On panic.Immediately, I switched my thinking to staying calm and I then remembered a I won’t lie, I still struggled with my mask removal and replace but I did it nonetheless and went on to complete four incredible and mind-blowing dives and become a qualified scuba diver.I wish I could put into words what scuba diving is like. Really, everything that has to do with water freaks me out. 1 decade ago. "Aus einer Narbe, wurden viele Narben. !Enjoy your underwater trips!! I think my favorite part of your post, is how in the end you REALLY enjoyed it. SINCE 1828. One skill in particular nearly became my nemesis.What’s so scary about scuba diving?

any kind of pain, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, whatever. Antonyms for temporary include lasting, enduring, eternal, everlasting, ceaseless, dateless, permanent, deathless, endless and immortal. If you would really like to know then I suggest you put it on that list of goals and dreams I keep telling you to write and then go do it!Great post!! I also learnt for the first time, just what I was going to have to do in order to pass this course. Thanks so much for sharing. Sometimes, fear has to be dealt with in the same way as a plunge in an ice cold river. But then, I’m a little adventurous I really love what you said about focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want. It’s the type of fear I hate the most and it’s what I experienced a few weeks ago There are obvious times when panic (or the fight or flight response) is necessary but in a situation like this panicking is really unhelpful and if anything it’s more likely to make a dangerous situation even more dangerous. but when you quit something (i.e. but yours should be pain is temporary, failure is forever. Yes that’s right, In actual fact it’s a fairly straightforward thing to do but throw panic into the mix and you’ve got a different story.

Forever. I was trying to find the “regret-part” in your post. meaning after a period of time, you won't remember the pain of practice or preparation, only what the results will be. There are no regrets for me because I faced my fear and did something I’ve always wanted to do in spite of that fear.
You comment about the beauty you saw. The only thing that is infinity is love and our souls Hi Irene, you should totally do it, it’s worth all of the fear I can promise you that. I also had a conversation with a lovely woman on the two-hour boat ride to the dive site, which changed everything for me.

Imagine this if you will, mask removal and replace. Thanks so much for sharing Bravo! Temporary Forever Lyrics: A bunch of problems, I done been through / My share of broads, I done been through / A million times I said I would change / And say "Disregard the shit I been doing." It all becomes easier with time and practice.

I went lower to the floor and thrust myself ahead about 6 – 7 inches – straight into into fresh air! big love, hugs and gratitude xxxThanks darling Dee, yeah it is a great mantra isn’t it! I haven’t done any diving myself, more from a lack of opportunity than any fear. Shifting the focus is such a minor thing, but it has profound results!Hi Grady, thanks so much for your comment, I love how you’ve applied what I’ve said to goal setting, I can see how people do that all the time, like planning to lose weight rather than get fit.
Too often, I see people failing in their goals because they are focused on what the don’t want instead of being focused on what they do want. There is no way I can ever picture myself scuba diving… I once did a confined space safety course & having to put on a gas mask freaked me out soooooo much! Your ability to make me ‘feel’ the experience is so clever.

At the same moment the fireman, who I hadn’t been able to see, appeared as well.

Synonyms: ad interim, impermanent, interim… Antonyms: long-term, permanent, ceaseless… Find the right word. 0 0 1. GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY; WORDS AT PLAY. Yet, to do awesome things with our lives we have to take on our fears… Which means we have to battle against thousands of years of evolution to make the most of our lives.

That is (excuse my 80s) RAD!Fear is totally crazy, I couldn’t agree more! lasting only for a short time I love your story, I love how you’ve described our instinct for survival and how strong it is when we feel under threat. But I can’t and nor should I. Oh my goodness, well done Caroline for being able to do this! and they have absolutely no interest in eating people whatsoever!

I wish I could upload some larger than life pictures to show you how stunningly beautiful it is down there. This time I was going to have to do it under the water in the ocean and there would be no popping up to catch my breath. I did snorkeling in australia, and even though it wasn’t diving, I was magical!! as in Every’s hard when you first start it!