Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings illuminates the modern realities of planning and constructing buildings with efficient, sustainable mechanical and electrical systems. There are two analogs that are used to go between electrical and mechanical systems. Those are force voltage analogy and force current analogy.In force voltage analogy, the mathematical equations of Consider the following translational mechanical system as shown in the following figure.$\Rightarrow F=M\frac{\text{d}^2x}{\text{d}t^2}+B\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}+Kx$ Consider the following electrical system as shown in the following figure. These analogies are helpful to study and analyze the non-electrical system like mechanical system from analogous electrical system. This complete guide serves as a text and a reference for students and professionals interested in an interactive, multidisciplinary approach to the building process, which is necessary for sustainable design. This paper reviews the most common textbooks used in courses covering Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing systems in construction science and management programs accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) in US institutions. The cost of a component is also high when being sold as a single item to the consumer because a large box of components has to be opened and could remain ‘in stock’ for some time before all of the components in the box are sold.It is possible, from the above table, to calculate the cheapest option if 40 resistors are required.Although the pack of 100 appears to be the cheapest cost per unit, the pack has a set price of £3.00.What is the price difference when purchasing one buzzer from either pack? The input voltage applied to this circuit is $V$ volts and the current flowing through the circuit is $i$ Amps.$V=Ri+L\frac{\text{d}i}{\text{d}t}+\frac{1}{c}\int idt$ Substitute, $i=\frac{\text{d}q}{\text{d}t}$ in Equation 2.$$V=R\frac{\text{d}q}{\text{d}t}+L\frac{\text{d}^2q}{\text{d}t^2}+\frac{q}{C}$$$\Rightarrow V=L\frac{\text{d}^2q}{\text{d}t^2}+R\frac{\text{d}q}{\text{d}t}+\left ( \frac{1}{c} \right )q$ By comparing Equation 1 and Equation 3, we will get the analogous quantities of the translational mechanical system and electrical system. The following table shows these analogous quantities.Similarly, there is a torque current analogy for rotational mechanical systems. Learn mechanical and electrical systems with free interactive flashcards. In this analogy, the mathematical equations of the rotational mechanical system are compared with the nodal mesh equations of the electrical system.. By comparing Equation 4 and Equation 6, we will get the analogous quantities of rotational mechanical … Some metal parts can be safely and reused, but other components, such as batteries, are difficult , eg plastic, are often used to protect the user from the flow of electricity and prevent the risk of electrocution in larger products such as TVs or fridges. to use in the production of electronic and mechanical products is complex, and these should be carefully chosen to ensure a product is that can be used together or separately depending on what function the product needs to achieve. Since electronics and mechanical systems were first developed, the speed at which new materials, techniques and processes have been developed has been rapid and revolutionary. As products with new features are developed, people want the latest models. Selecting components. It is possible to make electrical and mechanical systems using analogs. Let us now discuss this analogy. Plastic casings for products can be made by around the inner product to ensure it is covered, protected and aesthetically pleasing.The cost and availability of many components varies massively; the cost per single unit is always considerably higher than if bought in bulk. An analogous electrical and mechanical system will have differential equations of the same form. Electrical systems and mechanical systems are two physically different systems. All these electrical elements are connected in parallel.$i=\frac{V}{R}+\frac{1}{L}\int Vdt+C\frac{\text{d}V}{\text{d}t}$ Substitute, $V=\frac{\text{d}\Psi}{\text{d}t}$ in Equation 5.$$i=\frac{1}{R}\frac{\text{d}\Psi}{\text{d}t}+\left ( \frac{1}{L} \right )\Psi+C\frac{\text{d}^2\Psi}{\text{d}t^2}$$$\Rightarrow i=C\frac{\text{d}^2\Psi}{\text{d}t^2}+\left ( \frac{1}{R} \right )\frac{\text{d}\Psi}{\text{d}t}+\left ( \frac{1}{L} \right )\Psi$ By comparing Equation 1 and Equation 6, we will get the analogous quantities of the translational mechanical system and electrical system.