Coaching Support
*SHCFA defines working days as the days in which the Coach Education department of SHCFA are open, which is currently Monday to Friday.At the time of booking please ensure you are able to attend all course dates however if a learner cannot attend a date on the course they are enrolled on, a decision will be made on whether they are allowed to complete the course on a case-by-case basis.NOTE: when a learner books onto a course that is made up of multiple sessions it is expected that they can and will attend all sessions of that course at the point of booking.The SHCFA reserve the right to change the programme, the tutors, and the locations or to re- schedule a course without prior notice. Development & Courses
This registration form requires that JavaScript is enabled in your browser! All course bookings through the Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA (SHCFA) are subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Sheffield Wednesday Ladies FC. Please enable JavaScript in your browser, or switch to a compatible web browser, so you can use the registration form.
Players & People
Shoot Coaching FC. SHCFA cannot take payments in part, only full payment will be accepted.
Coaching Opportunities
FULL-TIME offers you an easy way to manage your football leagues online. SHCFA cannot take payments in part, only full payment will be accepted.
Teams play 11v11 football in a completely flexible format, with … Today, the County FA is responsible for the administration, control, promotion and development of Organised football started in Sheffield in 1857 with the birth of Sheffield Football Club and the creation of Sheffield Rules. Whole Game
Club Management
The learner should refer to the information sent to them in this instance.If a learner completes a course that is either not linked to The FA Level 1 in Coaching Football or is an online course, the certificate will be sent by FA Education. County Leagues
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By the early 1860s there were over 15 clubs in the Sheffield area and they were the first to start inter-club games. National Refereeing Strategy
Please keep this for future reference.Some courses do have certain pre-requisites that need to be met in order to attend a course.
... Sheffield & Hallamshire: FA Approved: Dearne Valley College. The qualification isThe course will provide the learner with the knowledge and practical skills and an introduction to first aid that will enable them to attend a conscious or unconscious player, ensuring that appropriate care is given until the emergency medical services arrive and takeover, or until an alternative healthcare professional(s) assumes responsibility for the player.On completion of the workshop, the learner will be able to:Have knowledge and understanding of The FA concussion guidelines (e-learning module completion)Have knowledge, understanding and have completed The FA Sudden Cardiac Arrest (e-learning module completion)Places on courses will only be confirmed on receipt of learner’s details and full course payment.
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The Sheffield and Hallamshire Football Association (originally called the Sheffield Football Association) was formed in Sheffield in 1867 and was the first County Football Association in England. From Under 18 to Under 21 FA People's Cup
Refereeing Support